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Kyberturvallisuuslaki (NIS2)
11 §: Poikkeamailmoitukset viranomaiselle

Requirement description

Toimijan on viipymättä ilmoitettava valvovalle viranomaiselle merkittävästä poikkeamasta. Merkittävällä poikkeamalla tarkoitetaan poikkeamaa, joka on aiheuttanut tai voi aiheuttaa vakavan palvelujen toimintahäiriön tai huomattavia taloudellisia tappioita asianomaiselle toimijalle, sekä poikkeamaa, joka on vaikuttanut tai voi vaikuttaa muihin luonnollisiin henkilöihin tai oikeushenkilöihin aiheuttamalla huomattavaa aineellista tai aineetonta vahinkoa.

Ensi-ilmoitus on tehtävä 24 tunnin kuluessa poikkeaman havaitsemisesta ja jatkoilmoitus 72 tunnin kuluessa poikkeaman havaitsemisesta.

Ensi-ilmoituksessa on ilmoitettava:

1) merkittävän poikkeaman havaitsemisesta;

2) epäilläänkö merkittävän poikkeaman johtuvan rikoksesta tai muusta lainvastaisesta tai vihamielisestä teosta;

3) rajat ylittävien vaikutuksien mahdollisuus ja todennäköisyys sekä rajat ylittävien vaikutuksien ennakointiin liittyvät tiedot.

Jatkoilmoituksessa on ilmoitettava:

1) arvio merkittävän poikkeaman laadusta, vakavuudesta ja vaikutuksista;

2) tekniset vaarantumisindikaattorit, jos sellaisia on saatavilla;

3) mahdolliset päivitykset ensi-ilmoituksen tietoihin.

Valvova viranomainen voi toimialallaan antaa tarkempia teknisiä määräyksiä, joilla tarkennetaan 11–15 §:n nojalla tehtävän ilmoituksen, tiedotuksen tai raportin tietosisältöä, teknistä muotoa ja menettelyä.

Edellä 2 momentissa säädetystä poiketen luottamuspalvelun tarjoajan on tehtävä jatkoilmoitus 24 tunnin kuluessa merkittävän poikkeaman havaitsemisesta, jos merkittävä poikkeama vaikuttaa sen luottamuspalvelujen tarjontaan.

Edellä 1 momentissa tarkoitetun lisäksi merkittävällä poikkeamalla tarkoitetaan NIS 2 –direktiivin 23 artiklan 11 kohdan nojalla annetussa Euroopan komission täytäntöönpanosäädöksessä täsmennettyä tilannetta, jossa poikkeama katsotaan merkittäväksi.

How to fill the requirement

Kyberturvallisuuslaki (NIS2)

11 §: Poikkeamailmoitukset viranomaiselle

Task name
Other requirements
The step-by-step process of notification of incidents to the authorities
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Incident management
Incident management and response

Examples of other requirements this task affects

23.1: Incident notifications to CSIRT and recipients of services
Article 19: Reporting of major ICT-related incidents and voluntary notification of significant cyber threats
11 §: Poikkeamailmoitukset viranomaiselle
12 §: Poikkeamaa koskeva väliraportti
13 §: Poikkeamaa koskeva loppuraportti
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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The step-by-step process of notification of incidents to the authorities
1. Task description

The organization informs the authority defined in the legislation (CSIRT) without delay about disturbances that have significantly affected the provision of its services. 

A disturbance is significant when at least one of the following occurs:

  • disruption may cause serious disruption in the operation of services or serious financial losses for the service provider
  • disruption may cause significant material or immaterial damage to related people or other organizations

Notifications are to be done step by step according to the descriptions below. In addition, while the disruption is ongoing, the organization must deliver the status updates requested by the authority.

Early warning (at the latest within 24 hours of detecting the disruption)

  • is the cause suspected to be illegal activities
  • can the disruption have effects on other countries

More detailed notification of disruption (within 72 hours of the disruption at the latest detection)

  • previous information is updated
  • the current assessment of the disturbance, its severity and effects is given
  • possible evidence of the leakage is listed

Final report (at the latest within 1 month of the incident report)

  • a detailed description of the incident, including its severity and effects
  • type of threat or root cause that likely triggered the event
  • applied and ongoing mitigation measures
  • potential impact on other countries
Keeping contact with relevant authorities
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Partner management
Agreements and monitoring

Examples of other requirements this task affects

6.1.3: Contact with authorities
ISO27 Full
RC.CO-1: Public relations
5.5: Contact with authorities
ISO27k1 Full
23.1: Incident notifications to CSIRT and recipients of services
CC2.3: Communication with external parties
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Keeping contact with relevant authorities
1. Task description

The organization lists the relevant government actors with whom it is important to actively contact and, if necessary, get in touch quickly. These authorities include national law enforcement and supervisory authorities.

A clear contact person should be defined for the relevant authorities to act as a contact point for the organization.

Tasks included in the policy

Task name
Other requirements
No items found.

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1.1 (MIL2): Manage IT and OT Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.1 (MIL3): Manage IT and OT Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.1.1: Availability of information security policies
1.1.1: Identify the organisation’s strategy and priorities
1.1.2: Identify the organisation’s structures and processes for security management
1.1.3: Identify the organisation’s processes for ICT risk management
1.1.4: Identify the organisation’s tolerances for ICT risk
1.1.5: Identify the organisation’s deliverables, information systems and supporting ICT functions
1.1.6: Identify information processing and data flow
1.2 (MIL2): Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.2 (MIL3): Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.2.1: Establish a process to identify devices and software in use at the organisation
1.2.1: Scope of Information Security management
1.2.2: Establish organisational guidelines for approved devices and software
1.2.2: Information Security Responsibilities
1.2.3: Identify devices in use at the organisation
1.2.3: Information Security requirements in projects
1.2.4: Definition of responsibilities with service providers
1.2.4: Identify the software in use at the organisation
1.2: Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.3 (MIL2): Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.3 (MIL3): Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.3.1: Identification of information assets
1.3.1: Identify the users of the information systems
1.3.2: Classification of information assets
1.3.2: Identify and define the different user categories
1.3.3: Identify roles and responsibilities linked especially to ICT security
1.3.3: Use of approved external IT services
1.3.4: Use of approved software
1.3: Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.4 (MIL2): Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.4 (MIL3): Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.4.1: Management of Information Security Risks
1.4: Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL1): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL2): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL3): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5.1: Assessment of policies and requirements
1.5.2: External review of ISMS
1.5: Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.6.1: Reporting of security events
1.6.2: Management of reported events
1.6.3: Crisis preparedness
10 §: Johdon vastuu
10. Processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences
10.1 (MIL2): Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.1 (MIL3): Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.1.1: Policy on the use of cryptographic controls
ISO27 Full
10.1.2: Key management
ISO27 Full
10.1.2: Key management
ISO 27017
10.1: Continuous improvement
ISO27k1 Full
10.1: Cryptographic controls
ISO27 Full
10.1: Cryptographic controls
ISO 27017
10.1: Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.2 (MIL2): Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2 (MIL3): Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2: Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2: Non-conformity and corrective action
ISO27k1 Full
10.3 (MIL1): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3 (MIL2): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3 (MIL3): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3: Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10: Cryptography
ISO27 Full
10: Cryptography
ISO 27017
10: Cybersecurity Program Management (PROGRAM)
C2M2: MIL1
10: Prosessi väärinkäytöksiin reagoimiseksi
Sec overview
11 §: Poikkeamailmoitukset viranomaiselle
11. Processing which does not require identification
11.1.1: Physical security perimeter
ISO27 Full
11.1.2: Physical entry controls
ISO27 Full
11.1.3: Securing offices, rooms and facilities
ISO27 Full
11.1.4: Protecting against external and environmental threats
ISO27 Full
11.1.5: Working in secure areas
ISO27 Full
11.1.6: Delivery and loading areas
ISO27 Full
11.1: Secure areas
ISO27 Full
11.2.1: Equipment siting and protection
ISO27 Full
11.2.2: Supporting utilities
ISO27 Full
11.2.3: Cabling security
ISO27 Full
11.2.4: Equipment maintenance
ISO27 Full
11.2.5: Removal of assets
ISO27 Full
11.2.6: Security of equipment and assets off-premises
ISO27 Full
11.2.7: Secure disposal or re-use of equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2.7: Secure disposal or re-use of equipment
ISO 27017
11.2.8: Unattended user equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2.9: Clear desk and clear screen policy
ISO27 Full
11.2: Equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2: Equipment
ISO 27017
11: Digiturvan mittarien määrittäminen
Sec overview
11: Physical and environmental security
ISO27 Full
11: Physical and environmental security
ISO 27017
12 §: Luotettavuutta edellyttävien tehtävien tunnistaminen ja luotettavuudesta varmistuminen
12 §: Poikkeamaa koskeva väliraportti
12. Transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject
12.1.1: Documented operating procedures
ISO27 Full
12.1.2: Change management
ISO27 Full
12.1.3: Capacity management
ISO27 Full
12.1.4: Separation of development, testing and operational environments
ISO27 Full
12.1: Operational procedures and responsibilities
ISO27 Full
12.2.1: Controls against malware
ISO27 Full
12.2: Protection from malware
ISO27 Full