Free ebook: NIS2 ready using ISO 27001 best practices
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Defining cyber security responsibilities and tasks in employment contracts


The employment contracts specify the responsibilities of the employee and the organization for cyber security.

Contracts should include e.g.:

  • the employee's legal responsibilities and rights, such as those related to copyright or data protection law
  • the employee's responsibility for following the instructions, e.g. related to the use of hardware and data and the classification of information
  • the employee's or temporary employee's responsibility for processing information received from other companies or other parties
  • measures if the employee or temporary worker violates the safety requirements of the organization
  • continuing obligations after termination of employment
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
7.1.2: Terms and conditions of employment
7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO 27001
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO 27001
PR.DS-5: Data leak protection
PR.IP-11: Cybersecurity in human resources

Maintaining confidentiality agreements


All employees handling confidential information should sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement before processing confidential information.

The agreement should include e.g.:

  • clear definition of confidential information
  • the expected duration of the commitment
  • the measures required when the agreement is terminated
  • the responsibilities and measures of the parties to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information
  • ownership of information, trade secrets and intangible assets and how this relates to the protection of confidential information
  • the permitted use of confidential information and the parties rights to use the information
  • the right to inspect and supervise activities involving confidential information
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
T10: Salassapito- ja vaitiolositoumukset
7.1.2: Terms and conditions of employment
7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO 27001
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO 27001
13.2.4: Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements
ISO 27001

Reviewing confidentiality agreements


Confidentiality and non-disclosure requirements are reviewed at regular intervals and whenever changes affecting these requirements occur.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
7.1.2: Terms and conditions of employment
13.2.4: Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements
ISO 27001
6.2: Terms and conditions of employment
ISO 27001
6.6: Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements
ISO 27001
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