Choose a desired framework

ISO 27001 (2022): Full

Full, certification-level ISMS. Complete set of security controls along with management, auditing and risk evaluation aspects.

  • Management-driven tasks e.g. about ISMS management, risk evaluation and treatment and internal auditing.
  • Advanced tasks e.g. about procurement, physical security, other information assets and vulnerability management
  • Advanced documentation e.g. risks, non-conformities and improvements

Audited security expands the basics covered by Core security and advanced controls covered by Extended security.

NIS2 Directive

NIS 2 sets the baseline for cybersecurity risk management measures and reporting obligations across important industries covered by the directive, such as energy, transport, health, food, waste, public administration and digital infrastructure - and even more importantly to their supply chains.

NIS 2 tigthtens the rules and expand its scope when compared to original NIS Directive from 2016. It also adds top management accountability and tightens sanctions for non-compliance.

C2M2: MIL1

The Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2) helps organizations evaluate their cybersecurity capabilities and optimize security investments.

This level includes the MIL1 requirements and other measures included in other supported frameworks, giving an estimated 50% coverage of the full framework.

CIS 18 controls

The CIS18 critical security controls cover the different fields of cyber security, including vulnerability management, secure configuration, access control, incident management and more. It is a comprehensive set of instructions and measures released by The Center for Internet Security. The controls are designed to fix and prevent common vulnerabilities and to offer organizations a structured way to strengthen their security.

The CIS18 controls were formerly known as the SANS Critical Security Controls (SANS Top 20), and the current version 8.1 is updated to align with the evolving industry standards and cyber security threats. The controls are a prescriptive, prioritized, and simplified set of best practices that any organization can use to strengthen their security measures.

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is backed by the United Kingdom's government to help protect organisations, large or small, from cyber attacks. It is a good tool for getting the essentials of cyber security to a level which helps decrease the chance of your organisation to be vulnerable to basic cyber attacks.

  • Tasks for admins regarding firewall, password and device management policies and malware protection, user access control and software management.
  • Guidelines for employees regarding secure password practices and other cyber security basics.
  • Documentation of main software and hardware assets relevant for information security.
CyberFundamentals (Belgium)

The CyberFundamentals framework is created by Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium. It provides a set of concrete measures to protect your data, significantly reduce the risk of the most common cyber-attacks, and increase your organisation's cyber resilience. The framework is based on:

  • Four commonly used cybersecurity frameworks (NIST CSF, ISO 27001 / ISO 27002, CIS Controls and IEC 62443)
  • Anonymized historical data of successful cyber-attacks. Through retro-fitting, we are able to assess what percentage of past attacks the measures of the Framework will protect you against.
  • The Cyberfundamentals are structured in 4 levels, with a subsequent level containing a little more measures than the previous one each time. A beginner level Small, followed by Basic, Important and Essential. The Essential level contains all the basic information security mesures from previous ones and introduces more advanced controls. The essential level is in line with the NIS2 directive.

    Cyberday content library

    Cyberday unravels cyber security and privacy requirements into clear tasks, which can be delegated and clearly demonstrated as done.

    Cyberday is used to show "assurance information" of implementing the task, which either mean documentation, guidelines or reports directly in Cyberday, or free descriptions of task implementation when it's executed outside of the ISMS.

    Feel free to familiarize yourself with Cyberday task content. Each task has its own page, which includes a description, connected Cyberday features and related requirements that are complied with through the task.

    DORA simplified RMF

    The DORA RTS on simplified ICT risk management describes the key elements that financial entities subject to lower scale, risk, size and complexity need to have in place to manage risks.

    Related organizations shall e.g. maintain a sound and documented ICT risk management framework, continuously monitor the security and functioning of all ICT systems, identify key dependencies on ICT third-party service providers, and minimise the impact of ICT risk through the use of sound, resilient and updated protections.

    Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

    The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is the EU law on digital operational resilience. DORA aims to achieve a uniform high level of digital resilience across the EU. It sets out uniform requirements for information networks and systems that support financial business processes.

    DORA sets out requirements for, among other things, protection, detection, isolation, recovery and remediation in the event of a security incident. Further requirements include extensive risk and incident management, cyber threat and vulnerability sharing, requirements for resilience testing and reporting incidents to authorities.

    Digital security overview

    Digital security overview is a service developed and maintained by the Finnish Digital and population data services agency. Goal of the service is to gather information about the digital security status of public sector organisations.

    Requirements of this framework match the questions of the service.

    General Data Protection Regulation

    GDPR sets out the requirements for lawful processing of personal data and demonstrating the adequate protection of data.

    • Privacy and personal data handling guidelines for employees
    • Informing, data processor and breach management tasks for admins
    • Data processing, data transfer, privacy risk and DPIA documentation
    ISO 27001 (2013): Full

    Full, certification-level ISMS. Complete set of security controls along with management, auditing and risk evaluation aspects.

    • Management-driven tasks e.g. about ISMS management, risk evaluation and treatment and internal auditing.
    • Advanced tasks e.g. about procurement, physical security, other information assets and vulnerability management
    • Advanced documentation e.g. risks, non-conformities and improvements

    Audited security expands the basics covered by Core security and advanced controls covered by Extended security.

    ISO 27017

    ISO 27017 is a security standard developed especially for cloud service providers and users to create a safer cloud-based environment and reduce the risk of security incidents.

    • Technical tasks related to cloud environment and shared responsibilities.
    • Advanced tasks e.g. about virtualization and monitoring cloud services

    ISO 27017 gives cloud-specific additions to ISO 27001, so these two frameworks should be used together.

    ISO 27018

    ISO 27018 is a security standard developed especially for cloud service providers to ensure risks are assessed and controls are implemented to protect personally identifiable information (PII).

    • Documentation related to processing personally identifiable information (PII).
    • Tasks related to purpose, data and retention minimization.
    • Advanced tasks related to the information security while processing PII.

    ISO 27018 gives cloud-specific additions to ISO 27001, so these two frameworks should be used together.

    ISO 27701

    ISO 27701 is a privacy extension to ISO 27001. The framework aims to upgrade the existing Information Security Management System (ISMS) with additional requirements related to processing and protecting personal data in order to establish also a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS).

    • Documentation related to processing activities, transfers and disclosures of personal data.
    • Tasks related to data subject rights and ensuring lawfulness of processing.
    • Advanced privacy-related tasks about ensuring proper consent and filling other requirements for personal data controllers and processors.

    Certifications are available for ISO 27701. As the framework extends ISO 27001, organizations seeking an ISO 27701 certification will need to have the ISO 27001 certification.

    Julkri: TL IV-I

    Cyber security evaluation criteria by Finnish authorities for Finnish public administration.

    Julkri lists 200 security measures of varying levels, which help organizations fulfill the requirements of e.g. local laws and the GDPR.

    This framework includes all the criteria from Julkri: Full framework and in addition criteria for security classified information (TL IV, TL III, TL II and TL I).

    Katakri (Finnish national security auditing criteria)

    Katakri is used when evaluating organisation's ability to secure confidential information from Finnish national authorities. It can be used to guide security work in an organisation, that wants to be ready for an audit performed by authorities.

    • Tasks for admins about security management, physical security and technical cyber security.
    • Documentation of identified and evaluated security risks and defined control measures.
    • Guidelines for employees on working on secure areas and protecting confidential data from authorities.
    Katakri 2020

    Katakri is used when evaluating organisation's ability to secure confidential information from Finnish national authorities. It can be used to guide security work in an organisation, that wants to be ready for an audit performed by authorities.

    • Tasks for admins about security management, physical security and technical cyber security.
    • Documentation of identified and evaluated security risks and defined control measures.
    • Guidelines for employees on working on secure areas and protecting confidential data from authorities.
    Kibernetinio Saugumo Įstatymas (Lithuania)

    The Cybersecurity Act "Kibernetinio Saugumo Įstatymas" implements the European Union NIS2 law in Lithuania. It sets out requirements for various organisations to strengthen their cybersecurity risk management.

    The law establishes the principles of cyber security for the institutions in the scope and sets additional requirements for national and municipal operators. Different security measures with checks of compliance with the requirements of this law and enforcement measures are set.

    Kyberturvallisuuslaki (NIS2)

    Kyberturvallisuuslaki säätää tietoturvatoimenpiteistä keskeisiksi tai tärkeiksi nimetyillä toimialoilla sekä kyberturvallisuutta koskevien riskien hallinnasta. Kyberturvallisuuslaki vie Suomessa täytäntöön NIS2 -direktiivin.

    La loi NIS2 (Belgique)

    The European Union NIS2 has been transposed in Belgium into national law as the NIS2 law. The law closely aligns with the EU NIS2 directive and features only minor national differences. It was released as a Law establishing a framework for the cybersecurity of networks and information systems of general interest for public security. It obligates and defines cybersecurity rules for companies registered in Belgium working in the critical sector.

    The aim of the law is to strengthen cybersecurity measures, incident management and the supervision of entities providing services that are essential for maintaining critical societal or economic activities. It also aims to improve the coordination of public policies in the area of cybersecurity. The Centre for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB) has also provided the CyberFundamentals framework that aligns with the NIS2 law.

    NIST CSF 2.0

    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has updated the widely used Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). The new 2.0 edition is designed to help all organizations in any sector to achieve their cybersecurity goals with added emphasis on governance as well as supply chains. The updated framework anticipates that organizations will come to the framework with varying needs and degrees of experience implementing cybersecurity tools.

    The 2.0 update is the organization's first major update on their widely used cyber security framework since its release. This update is the outcome of a multiyear process of discussions and public comments aimed at making the framework more effective and suitable for all audiences, industry sectors and organization types while as the original CSF focused directly on the critical sector. The framework’s core is now organized around six key functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover, along with CSF 2.0’s newly added Govern function. When considered together, these functions provide a comprehensive view of the life cycle for managing cybersecurity risk.

    NIST Cybersecurity Framework

    NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a collaborative effort coordinated by The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce) and involving industry, academia, and government.

    Framework is designed to help owners and operators of critical infrastructure to identify, assess and manage cyber risks.

    • Advanced tasks e.g. about risk management and incident detection, response and recovery.
    • Advanced documentation e.g. on information security risks
    • Generic cyber security guidelines for empoyees, priviliged users, senior management and other stakeholders.
    NSM ICT Security Principles (Norway)

    NCM ICT Security Principles is a framework for ICT security published and maintained by the Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM). The security principles advise businesses and organisations on how to protect their information systems from unauthorized access, damage or misuse.

    The principles focus on technological and organisational measures. Measures concerning physical security and the human perspective are generally not covered. The measures apply to both unintentional and intentional acts, although the main focus is on intentional acts.

    In this framework there are 21 security principles with a total of 118 security measures, distributed across four categories: i) identify, ii) protect and maintain, iii) detect and iv) respond and recover.

    Nacionālās kiberdrošības likums (Latvia)

    The European Union NIS2 directive has been adopted as "National Cyber Security Act" in Latvia. It aims to improve the security of information and communication technologies, including setting requirements for the provision and receipt of essential services and important services, as well as the operation of information and communication technologies.

    The law determines the procedure for ensuring cyber security, foreseeing the distribution of responsibility and the competence of the National Cyber ​​Security Center, cooperation frameworks and cyber security promotion tasks. The aim is also to promote the implementation of cyber security measures in such a way as to be able to predict and prevent them in time, as well as to overcome cyber threats and eliminate their consequences, as far as possible ensuring the continuity of confidentiality, integrity and availability of services.

    Public administration information management act

    This Finnish law is designed to promote harmonization of information management, cyber security and digitalisation in public administration.

    • Information management -specific guidelines for employees or different sectors
    • Tasks related to setting responsibilities, reporting for public and residents, archiving and technical interfaces
    • Documentation about operational processes, data systems, data stores, data processing and related risks
    SOC 2 (Systems and Organization Controls)

    SOC 2 framework specifies how organizations should protect customer data from e.g. unauthorized access, security incidents or other vulnerabilities. It is developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

    SOC 2 includes 5 different requirement sets: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy. A SOC 2 audit can be carried out related to one or all of these criteria. Each criteria has specific requirements that the company needs to comply with by implementing controls.

    TISAX: Information security

    TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) is an assessment and exchange mechanism for the information security of enterprises and allows recognition of assessment results among the participants.

    This framework includes TISAX's information security requirements, which are mandatory for all TISAX participants. Framework can be further expanded with prototype protection and data protection requirements found as extension frameworks.

    TiHL: Suositus tietoturvan vähimmäisvaatimuksista

    Tiedonhallintalautakunnan suositus, joka opastaa tiedonhallintalain asettamien tietoturvallisuuden vähimmäisvaatimusten täyttämisessä, jotka kaikkien julkishallinnon organisaatioiden tulee vähintään täyttää. Vähimmäisvaatimusten osana organisaatioiden tulee tunnistaa ja arvioida tietojenkäsittelyyn liittyvät riskit sekä toteuttaa toimenpiteet riskien pienentämiseksi hyväksyttävälle tasolle.

    Tietoturvan ja tietosuojan omavalvontasuunnitelma

    Voimassa olevan asiakastietolain mukaisesti kaikkien sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelunantajien on laadittava tietosuojan, tietoturvallisuuden ja tietojärjestelmien käytön omavalvontasuunnitelma.

    THL julkaisi vuonna 2020 uuden mallin tietoturvallisuuden ja tietosuojan omavalvontasuunnitelmasta. Omavalvontasuunnitelma tukee sote-palveluntuottajia tietoturvallisuuden ja tietosuojan suunnittelussa.

    Palveluntuottaja pystyy suunnitelman avulla huomioimaan ja suunnittelemaan olennaiset tietosuojan, tietoturvallisuuden ja tietojärjestelmien käytön asiat.

    Tietoturvasuunnitelma (THL 3/2024)

    Tietoturvasuunnitelma on dokumentti, jolla sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden tuottajat kuvaavat tietoturvan- ja tietosuojan omavalvontaa. Tietoturvasuunnitelman täytyy kuvata kuinka palveluntuottaja täyttää asiakastietolain 27 §:n vaatimukset, joita asiakas- ja potilastietojen käsittelyyn ja niitä käsitteleviin tietojärjestelmiin liittyy. Vaatimuksia ovat mm.

    • tietojärjestelmien käyttäjillä on oltava tarvittava koulutus
    • tietojärejstelmien ylläpitoa toteuttaa vain henkilö, jolla on riittävä ammattitaitojärjestelmien käyttöohjeet on saatavilla
    • tietojärjestelmät täyttävät tarkoituksen mukaiset olennaiset vaatimuksettietojärjestelmän tietoturva ja tietosuoja on varmistettava
    Zakon o kibernetičkoj sigurnosti (Croatia)

    Croatian implementation of the NIS2 The Cybersecurity Act (Zakon o kibernetičkoj sigurnosti NN 14/2024) has come into account in February 2024. It defines cybersecurity rules for Croatian companies with the same criteria as NIS2 with some exceptions. It is created by the Institute for Information Systems Security (ZSIS).

    The aim of the law is to strengthen cybersecurity measures, incident management and the supervision of entities providing services that are essential for maintaining critical societal or economic activities. It also aims to improve the coordination of public policies in the area of cybersecurity.

    Choose a desired policy topic

    Linked frameworks
    Access control and authentication
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    System management
    Agreements and monitoring
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Partner management
    Automatic solution procedure
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Technical cyber security
    Case management and archiving
    TiHL tietoturvavaatimukset
    Changes in employment relationships
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    CIS 18
    Personnel security
    Cloud service management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Development and cloud
    Connections and use of Kanta-services
    Social and health services security plan
    Continuity management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Risk management and leadership
    Cyber security in contracts
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Personnel security
    Cyber security management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Risk management and leadership
    Cyber security training
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Personnel security
    Data breach management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Incident management
    Data classification
    NIST 2.0
    CIS 18
    Management of data sets
    Data interfaces and disclosures
    TiHL tietoturvavaatimukset
    Data system management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    System management
    Data system procurement
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    System management
    Data transfer and disclosure
    CIS 18
    SOC 2
    Email and web browser
    NIST 2.0
    CIS 18
    SOC 2
    Email and phishing
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Technical cyber security
    Equipment maintenance and safety
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Physical security
    Incident management and response
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Incident management
    Informing and data subject requests
    SOC 2
    Digiturvan kokonaiskuvapalvelu
    NIST 2.0
    ISO 27017
    Development and cloud
    Malware protection
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Technical cyber security
    Management of data sets
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Management of data sets
    Management of secure areas
    Katakri 2020
    TiHL tietoturvavaatimukset
    Physical security
    Mobile device management
    NIST 2.0
    CIS 18
    Remote work and mobile devices
    Network security
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    CIS 18
    Technical cyber security
    Non-electronic data and copies
    CIS 18
    Katakri 2020
    Physical security
    Organizing information management
    TiHL tietoturvavaatimukset
    Digiturvan kokonaiskuvapalvelu
    Personnel quality responsibilities
    No linked frameworks.
    Privacy by design and default
    CIS 18
    SOC 2
    Digiturvan kokonaiskuvapalvelu
    ISO 27701
    Process management and monitoring
    No linked frameworks.
    Processing principles and accountability
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Products, services and customer focus
    NIST 2.0
    Property security
    NIST 2.0
    CIS 18
    Physical security
    Quality and processes
    NIST 2.0
    Quality management
    No linked frameworks.
    Remote work
    NIS2 Croatia
    CIS 18
    Remote work and mobile devices
    Removable media
    NIST 2.0
    CIS 18
    Katakri 2020
    Management of data sets
    Risk management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Risk management and leadership
    Secure development
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Development and cloud
    Security and responsibilities
    SOC 2
    Digiturvan kokonaiskuvapalvelu
    Security guidelines
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Personnel security
    Security of patient data systems
    Security responsibilities (SSRM)
    No linked frameworks.
    Partner management
    Security systems and logging
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Technical cyber security
    Staff guidance and training
    Social and health services security plan
    Supplier security
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    Partner management
    System's user instructions and support
    Social and health services security plan
    Technical vulnerability management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    CIS 18
    Technical cyber security
    TiHL tietoturvavaatimukset
    Digiturvan kokonaiskuvapalvelu
    Update and patch management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIS2 Croatia
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    System management
    NIS2 Latvia
    NIS2 Belgium
    NIST 2.0
    NIS2 Lithuania
    CIS 18
    Technical cyber security

    Choose a desired cyber security requirement

    Determining and fulfilling obligations to PII principals
    ISO 27701
    Katakri 2020
    Establish and Manage an Inventory of Third-Party Software Components
    CIS 18 controls
    Removal of assets
    ISO 27001 (2013): Full
    Hallinnollinen alue - kulunvalvonta
    Julkri: TL IV-I
    Procedures for storing inputs, items in processing, and outputs in accordance with system spefications
    SOC 2 (Systems and Organization Controls)
    Assign Cybersecurity Responsibilities
    C2M2: MIL1
    Competence of employees
    TISAX: Information security
    Ensure Use of Only Fully Supported Browsers and Email Clients
    CIS 18 controls
    Tietojen kuljettaminen - TL III
    Julkri: TL IV-I
    Adequate capacity to ensure availability is maintained.
    CyberFundamentals (Belgium)
    Jatkuvuudenhallinnan kuvaus
    Digital security overview
    Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
    C2M2: MIL1
    La sécurité des ressources humaines
    30 § 3.9° (ressources humaines)
    La loi NIS2 (Belgique)
    Sigurnost lanca opskrbe
    Članak 30.1.d
    Zakon o kibernetičkoj sigurnosti (Croatia)
    Change management
    ISO 27001 (2022): Full
    Tinklų ir informacinių sistemų saugumą
    Kibernetinio Saugumo Įstatymas (Lithuania)
    Article 14
    Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
    Control the data flow of especially exposed services
    NSM ICT Security Principles (Norway)
    Ohjelmistoilla toteutettavat pääsynhallintatoteutukset
    Katakri (Finnish national security auditing criteria)
    Turvallisuusalue - Pääsyoikeuksien ja avaintenhallinnan menettelyt
    Julkri: TL IV-I
    Direct all data flow to and from managed mobile clients via the organisation’s network
    NSM ICT Security Principles (Norway)
    Public updates on incident recovery are shared
    NIST CSF 2.0
    Obligations to PII principals
    ISO 27701

    Universal cyber compliance language model: Comply with confidence and least effort

    In Cyberday, all frameworks’ requirements are mapped into universal tasks, so you achieve multi-framework compliance effortlessly.

    Security frameworks tend to share the common core. All frameworks cover basic topics like risk management, backup, malware, personnel awareness or access management in their respective sections.
    Cyberday’s universal cyber security language technology creates you a single security plan and ensures you implement the common parts of frameworks just once. You focus on implementing your plan, we automate the compliance part - for current and upcoming frameworks.
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