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ISO 27001: Build a cyber security plan, that gets you compliant
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ISO 27001: Build a cyber security plan, that gets you compliant

Part of cyber course "Towards ISO 27001 -certification"
Presented by

Aleksi Pulkkanen

Co-Founder & COO @
Cyberday / Agendium Ltd
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about 45 minutes
This webinar is part of webinar series:

Towards ISO 27001 certification

We will go through the basics of Cyberday and how ISO 27001 standard can support systematic information security management. We will also cover the 2022 update to the standard.

Webinar description

This webinar utilizes Cyberday as training tool ( Your organization can use Cyberday to build your own information security plan using ready-made tools and example content - directly inside Microsoft Teams.

Webinar is suitable for information security key people in organisations, who are interested in systematic information security management and demonstrating good security level for customers.

Webinar agenda

1. What is ISO 27001? And what does an ISMS mean?

  • Standards main contents (requirements, controls and an information security management system)
  • Look inside ISO 27001

2. Popularity of ISO 27001 and the certification process

  • Why is ISO 27001 popularity growing rapidly?
  • What does the certification process include?

3. What is Cyberday?

  • Implement universal security tasks - prove that you're compliant against any framework
  • Benefits of having a smart information security management system

4. Demo: Working ISMS in Cyberday

  • Cyberday overall introduction
  • Working with different security tasks (organizational, technological, people)
  • Automated ISO 27001 reporting (SoA, information security policy, risk management procedure, etc.)

5. Demo: Getting started in your ISO 27001 work

  • Activating the ISO 27001 framework on the suitable level (1, 2 or 3)
  • Doing the initial evaluation (gap analysis) through a free trial
  • Getting support from our team

More advanced ISO 27001 content in Academy (

We welcome questions and comments throughout the webinar! These are also an important part of the webinar content.

P.s. Registering for the webinar doesn't commit you to anything. You may also participate either "live" or via the recording, which you will receive automatically via email after the webinar is over.

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Webinar frequently asked questions

Is ISO 27001 same as ISO27001, IEC 27001 or ISO 27001 standard?

Yes you will find many kind of references to ISO 27001 information security standards. The official the full name of ISO 27001 is “ISO/IEC 27001 – Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements.”

ISO 27001 is the leading international standard focused on information security, published by these two mentioned organizations, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Both of these are leading international organizations that develop international standards.

ISO 27001 standard is the main part of a set of standards developed to handle information security: the ISO/IEC 27000 series. The series is deliberately broad in scope, covering more than just privacy, confidentiality and IT/technical/cybersecurity issues.

27001 ISO, framework ISO 27001, ISO 27k... all refer to the same thing.

Why is ISO 27001 important?

Not only does the standard provide companies with the necessary know-how for protecting their most valuable information, but a company can also get certified against ISO 27001 and, in this way, prove to its customers and partners that it safeguards their data. ISO 27001 certification is probably the best proof for customers that information security is taken seriously and systematically managed in the organization.

Individuals can also get ISO 27001-certified by attending a course and passing the exam and, in this way, prove their skills to potential employers.

Because it is an international standard, ISO 27001 is easily recognized all around the world, increasing business opportunities for organizations and professionals.

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Yes - you will automatically receive a link to the recording in your email if you have registered for the webinar. You can also forward the recording to your colleagues if you wish.

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