Free ebook: NIS2 ready using ISO 27001 best practices
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Defining cyber security responsibilities and tasks in employment contracts


The employment contracts specify the responsibilities of the employee and the organization for cyber security.

Contracts should include e.g.:

  • the employee's legal responsibilities and rights, such as those related to copyright or data protection law
  • the employee's responsibility for following the instructions, e.g. related to the use of hardware and data and the classification of information
  • the employee's or temporary employee's responsibility for processing information received from other companies or other parties
  • measures if the employee or temporary worker violates the safety requirements of the organization
  • continuing obligations after termination of employment
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
7.1.2: Terms and conditions of employment
7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO 27001
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO 27001
PR.DS-5: Data leak protection
PR.IP-11: Cybersecurity in human resources

Maintaining confidentiality agreements


All employees handling confidential information should sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement before processing confidential information.

The agreement should include e.g.:

  • clear definition of confidential information
  • the expected duration of the commitment
  • the measures required when the agreement is terminated
  • the responsibilities and measures of the parties to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information
  • ownership of information, trade secrets and intangible assets and how this relates to the protection of confidential information
  • the permitted use of confidential information and the parties rights to use the information
  • the right to inspect and supervise activities involving confidential information
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
T10: Salassapito- ja vaitiolositoumukset
7.1.2: Terms and conditions of employment
7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO 27001
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO 27001
13.2.4: Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements
ISO 27001

Informing about cyber security responsibilities that continue after employment relationship has ended


The employment contract should distinguish between cyber security responsibilities and obligations that remain in force after the termination of the employment relationship. The employee should also be reminded of these at the end of the employment relationship to ensure compliance.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO 27001
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO 27001
PR.DS-5: Data leak protection
6.5: Responsibilities after termination or change of employment
ISO 27001

Arranging training and guidance during orientation (or before granting access rights)


Before granting access rights to data systems with confidential information employees have:

  • received appropriate guidance on their security responsibilities (including reporting responsibilities and responsibility for their own devices)
  • received appropriate guidance on their security roles related to their own role (including digital security rules related to their role and information systems and their acceptable use)
  • received information from cyber security contacts who can be asked for more information
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
2 luku, 4 §: Tiedonhallinnan järjestäminen tiedonhallintayksikössä
7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO 27001
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO 27001
9.2.2: User access provisioning
ISO 27001
PR.IP-11: Cybersecurity in human resources

Training personnel with a changed role


Training arranged before granting access rights applies not only to new employees but also to those who move to new tasks or roles, especially when the data systems used by the person and the security requirements related to the job role change significantly with the change of job role. The training is arranged before the new job role becomes active.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO 27001
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO 27001
PR.IP-11: Cybersecurity in human resources
6.5: Responsibilities after termination or change of employment
ISO 27001
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