Free ebook: NIS2 ready using ISO 27001 best practices
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Documenting and delegating ownership of own backup processes


In connection with the data systems listing, we describe for which systems we are responsible for the implementation of the backup. The organization’s own backup processes are documented and an owner is assigned to each. The documentation includes e.g.:

  • which system is used for backing up data?
  • how are the backups protected (encryption, physical location)?
  • how long are the backups retained?
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
I24: Varmuuskopiointi
12.3.1: Information backup
ISO 27001
12.3: Backup
ISO 27001
PR.IP-4: Backups
8.13: Information backup
ISO 27001

Regular testing, evaluation, and recovery instructions for backups


The media used for backups and the restoration of backups are tested regularly to ensure that they can be relied on in an emergency.

Accurate and complete instructions are maintained for restoring backups. The policy is used to monitor the operation of backups and to prepare for backup failures.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
12.3: Backup
ISO 27001
12.3.1: Information backup
ISO 27001
12.1.1: Documented operating procedures
ISO 27001
PR.IP-4: Backups
8.13: Information backup
ISO 27001

Determining responsibilities for backing up important information assets


With adequate backups, all important data and programs can be restored after a disaster or media failure. An important first step in a functional backup strategy is to identify who is responsible for backing up each piece of data. Determining the responsibility for backup is the responsibility of the owners of the information assets (systems, hardware).

If the backup is the responsibility of the partner, we will find out:

  • how comprehensively does the partner back up the data?
  • how the data can be recovered if necessary?
  • how the backups are agreed in the contracts?

If the backup is our own responsibility, we will find out:

  • whether the data backup process exists and is documented?
  • whether the coverage and implementation cycle of the backup is at the level required by the importance of the data?
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
I24: Varmuuskopiointi
12.3.1: Information backup
ISO 27001
12.3: Backup
ISO 27001
PR.IP-4: Backups
8.13: Information backup
ISO 27001
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