The media used for backups and the restoration of backups are tested regularly to ensure that they can be relied on in an emergency.
Accurate and complete instructions are maintained for restoring backups. The policy is used to monitor the operation of backups and to prepare for backup failures.
In connection with the data systems listing, we describe for which systems we are responsible for the implementation of the backup. The organization’s own backup processes are documented and an owner is assigned to each. The documentation includes e.g.:
The organization secures recovery data by implementing robust encryption techniques, enforcing strict access controls, and conducting regular security audits. Data masking and anonymization are applied for additional protection, while checksums and hashing maintain data integrity.
The organization enhances data protection by employing backup automation software to routinely back up enterprise assets, defining a clear backup frequency and retention policy, using redundant solutions for increased availability, and regularly monitoring and testing backup integrity.
Copies of backups must be kept separate from the organization's production environment. Access to these copies should be restricted to only employees and system processes involved in data restoration.
Backups, which are inaccessible through the organization's networks, should be created regularly.
These security measures ensures the integrity and availability of the backups.
Backup master images of operating systems and installation software to ensure recovery capabilities from a software perspective.
Restorability refers to how quickly personal data are restored to be available and accessible in the event of a physical or technical failure.
With adequate backups, all important data and programs can be restored after a disaster or media failure. An important first step in a functional backup strategy is to identify who is responsible for backing up each piece of data. Determining the responsibility for backup is the responsibility of the owners of the information assets (systems, hardware).
If the backup is the responsibility of the partner, we will find out:
If the backup is our own responsibility, we will find out:
Varmuuskopioinnin tavoitteena on rajata menetettävän tiedon määrää ja pystyä palauttamaan tiedot tarpeeksi nopeasti ja luotettavasti.
Suojaustasolla IV toteutetaan seuraavat toimenpiteet varmuuskopioiden suojaamiseksi:
Varmuuskopioinnin tavoitteena on rajata menetettävän tiedon määrää ja pystyä palauttamaan tiedot tarpeeksi nopeasti ja luotettavasti.
Suojaustasoilla III-II toteutetaan seuraavat toimenpiteet varmuuskopioiden suojaamiseksi:
The organization should have a clear, written step-by-step procedure for carrying out data restoration efforts. There should also be a log of data restorations carried out. The log should contain:
Varmuuskopioista on rekisterit ja varmuuskopioiden käsittely kirjataan sähköiseen lokiin, tietojärjestelmään, asianhallintajärjestelmään, manuaaliseen diaariin tai tietoon (esimerkiksi dokumentin osaksi).
With adequate backups, all important data and programs can be restored after a disaster or media failure. To determine your backup strategy, it is important to map / decide on at least the following: