Cyberday splits chosen frameworks (e.g. ISO 27001, NIS2, DORA, ISO 27701) down to prioritized security tasks and guides you in implementing them directly inside Microsoft Teams.
Vaatimukset täyttyvät jalkauttamalla digiturvatehtäviä.
Mitä kukin tekee digiturvan eteen?
Osa tehtävistä vaatii asioiden ohjeistamista henkilöstölle.
Mitä pitää muistaa arjessa?
Osa tehtävistä vaatii listausten pitoa tietoturvan ydinelementeistä.
Mistä pitää voida raportoida?
Built to simplify: Understand in minutes exactly what any information security framework requires, how compliant you are, and what you need to do with a clear step-by-step plan.
Vaatimukset täyttyvät jalkauttamalla digiturvatehtäviä.
Mitä kukin tekee digiturvan eteen?
Osa tehtävistä vaatii asioiden ohjeistamista henkilöstölle.
Mitä pitää muistaa arjessa?
Osa tehtävistä vaatii listausten pitoa tietoturvan ydinelementeistä.
Mistä pitää voida raportoida?
In Cyberday you can pick the most important cyber security frameworks as targets for your work. From these, a single list of security tasks is formed to your management system. Read more from solution pages.
Get a clear plan on how to improve and get compliant in the process
To see a detailed presentation of a theme that interests you, check out our weekly webinars.
Dashboard lists the active frameworks that configure for the organization's management system, a summary of the contents of the management system by theme, and other status information. In connection with each theme, the state of the tasks inside each theme is displayed and who is primarily responsible for their implementation.
Work in the Cyberday is guided through security tasks. Tasks tell you what kind of work is required of the organization and how this requirement could be met. Each user sees the actions assigned for them in their personal Taskbook-view.
By selecting the most relevant requirement frameworks to guide digital security work from the perspective of their own operations, the organization is able to focus its efforts on digital security on important issues. Often, the same security task is associated with many requirements, so the compliance improves for many frameworks and double work is eliminated.
Guidebook-tab is the end user's view of Cyberday. Admins define the guidelines, and staff are required to confirm the guidelines as read and accepted. They can also assist in improving the guidelines by commenting. Reminders are sent automatically by Cyberday's Teams bot and the process can be extended to include training content and skill tests.
Identified risks, data systems, processors of personal data ... Digital security work requires a systematic record of many things, either for reporting or to guide one's own work. Collect data in a smart format using ready-made data templates, examples and instructions. Each user sees the documentation items assigned for them in their personal Taskbook-view.
A policy, a description required by law, or a report about the organization's information security operating models in general. To own management, external authority or auditor. You can find ready-made report templates for all kinds of reporting needs in Cyberday's report library, through which organization's own, ready-made reports are created directly with one click.
Every week we inform you about the most important cyber security news, upcoming free webinars and recent Cyberday development.
Cyberday helps hundreds of organisations to become and stay 100% compliant for all popular security frameworks. One easy to follow plan is created with guided steps to execute, delegate, monitor and report on cyber compliance.
Activate your most critical frameworks
Requirements are instantly turned into pre-filled policies
A step by step roadmap towards implementation is created with specific tasks
Evaluate your current coverage of any policy and how close you are to requirements
Get a compliance score and understand the gap
Follow the guided plan to improve
Assurance improved with clear steps and examples in tasks
Measure and show clear progress with confidence
Tasks are proven to be implemented (for auditors, top management or your own team)
Library of dynamic cyber security reports that is ready for use
One-click report creation that automatically fills the report with your content.
Distribute internally or externally
Stay compliant and up to date
Advanced tools for risk management, internal auditing and improvement management
Ongoing smart analysis to identify urgent issues and improvements
Hundreds of companies all over the world use Cyberday to manage their information security.
Companies all over the world love how Cyberday makes it simple to manage their cyber security
With Teams and Slack integration we are able to reach our employees on the platform they use in their day to day activity.
Kim B.
Niko R.