Link your tech as assurance for technical tasks
Technical tasks can be handled with security system. Choose the owner and link the tech you use and use additional assurance options when needed.
Create the necessary documentation to ensure organizational tasks are done
Organizational tasks demand either listing something (e.g. assets) or creating document-like reports (e.g. policies). You will get a template to use in all cases to streamline your documentation work.
Link guidelines to successfully implement people tasks
People tasks can't be directly implemented by the security team - they need distributing guidelines for people. This is done through the Teams app's Guidebook-tab, which automatically reminds the staff to accept guidelines assigned for them.
Write your own process for supporting tasks
Some tasks don't include content directly in Cyberday. Then it's enough for you to choose the task owner and describe your process to implement it. We recommend also setting a review cycle to remind the task owner about ensuring implementation.
Add additional assurance when needed
We recommend you the primary assurance type for each task, but you can always take a custom route too or harden your assurance further with additional assurance methods.
Bot reminds task owners to take care of their responsibilities
We recommend you the primary assurance type for each task, but you can always take a custom route too or harden your assurance further with additional assurance methods.