Asset management

Understanding your data environment and having clear ownerships is often seen as the first step towards systematic information security management.

Smart data card templates

The documentation card is different for each data asset type, to help you fill the most important security information.

Gather the data you need

You can edit the fields shown on asset cards to include all the information that would be relevant in your organization.

Delegate for asset owners

When you have your assets listed in Cyberday, you can use this group of users to delegate the implementation of selected tasks for them.

Document your asset inventory in clear parts

Cyberday has own sections for data systems, data sets, other assets (e.g. equipment) and physical premises. With the help of these you understand the assets your cyber security aims to protect.

Documentation tables bring it all together

Each documentation item has its own table view with ready-made column data and tabs. Get an overview just by looking at the cell colors and progress bars - green means done!

Document important assets using ready-made templates

Each data asset has its own, ready-made documentation template. Questions are answered by linking data with the help of suggestions and own earlier documentation.

This creates a smart library of content, which can be monitored and used for automatized reporting.

Asset management policy creates a shareable overview of the theme

Cyberday includes a report template called 'Asset management policy', which includes dynamic content of the related tasks and documentation lists.

Use it to easily communicate the overview of your asset management practices for auditors or management.

Some assets can keep living outside of Cyberday

You might have e.g. a well-working MDM or source code management, and in these cases you can keep managing these assets in external systems.

Cyberday highlights you a tasks, where you're supposed to describe which external systems are relevant for asset management.

Delegate some tasks for asset owners

Listing the key assets (e.g. data systems) and their owners in Cyberday is important to help you implement certain tasks.

You might e.g. want to link all data system owners as participants to task about periodic access rights reviewing to delegate the implementation to people actually managing those users.