Learn how to configure your management system, how to describe your current state of actions against best practice frameworks and how to improve even further.
Vaatimukset täyttyvät jalkauttamalla digiturvatehtäviä.
Mitä kukin tekee digiturvan eteen?
Osa tehtävistä vaatii asioiden ohjeistamista henkilöstölle.
Mitä pitää muistaa arjessa?
Osa tehtävistä vaatii listausten pitoa tietoturvan ydinelementeistä.
Mistä pitää voida raportoida?
Set your goals by activating the most relevant frameworks from our library. You can start from the essentials or pursue a certification level. Requirements are instantly turned into policies you can start implementing.
Choose the first theme and start evaluating how your current measures cover requirements. You’ll quickly see your starting compliance and understand the gap.
Tasks are proven to be implemented (for auditors, top management or your own team) through assurance information. Assurance info differs according to task’s type.
With report library's dynamic templates, you can create the desired summaries of cyber security with "one click".
Once you have a clear plan, you can start improving it smartly. You can utilize our tools for risk management, internal auditing and improvement management to get better every day. Our Cyberday AI will also help you spot most urgent improvements.