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Navigating the Cybersecurity Maze: Master NIS2 with the help of ISO 27001

Learn how to master NIS2 with ISO 27001 and grab our free NIS2 e-book! This blog post was originally written for the Cyber Security Nordic 2024 event where Cyderday is presented as Strategic partner.



Corporate Security Alert: Identifying Dangerous Apps on Employee Phones

This article uncovers hidden security risks of popular apps on work devices, covering social media, messaging, cloud storage, gaming, utility, health, VPN, and shopping apps, with recommendations to safeguard corporate data.



NIS2 national legistation, ransomware and a new development forum: Cyberday product and news round-up 9/2024 🛡️

This is the September news and product review from Cyberday. Read news about ransomware, new phishing techniques and local NIS2-legistations.



IT and OT Cyber Security: Different Environments, Different Priorities

This blog post outlines the key differences between IT and OT cyber security, focusing on their distinct areas, objectives, environments, threat landscapes, and compliance requirements.



Cyber Security in Supply Chain Risk Management

Businesses should prioritize supply chain security by adopting best cyber security practices, fostering resilience, and promoting collaboration to protect against evolving cyber threats. Learn more about this topic in this blog post.



Spreadsheet vs. ISMS tool - top 10 reasons why a tool is better than the traditional way

Discover the top 10 reasons why agile tools outperform traditional spreadsheets in managing cyber security compliance, from centralized management to continuous improvement.



ISMS Essentials: Mastering a Data System Inventory for Your Organization

This post provides essential insights for maintaining a data system inventory within your organization's ISMS, detailing key processes, asset types, and tackling common challenges.



Incident Detection: Building, Nurturing, and Continuously Improving a Proactive Environment

Shift from reactive to proactive incident detection. Use advanced tools, continuous learning, and customised strategies to anticipate and prevent issues. Focus on constant improvement and innovation to boost security and resilience.



Critical Remote Code Execution Bug Fixed in OpenBSD SMTP Server

A critical vulnerability in the free OpenSMTPD email server present in many Unix-based systems can be exploited to run shell commands with root privileges. [...]

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Unpatched Vulnerabilities

CA: Panama-Buena Vista School District ransomware attack will delay report cards

23ABC reports: The Panama-Buena Vista School District said that due to the recent ransomware attack, teachers will not be...

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Police Warn of Physical IT Risk from Malicious Contractors

Insiders at cleaning, decorating and other firms could access networks

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Supply Chain Attacks

Intel CSME bug is worse than previously thought

Researchers say a full patch requires replacing hardware. Only the latest Intel 10th generation CPUs are not affected.

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Unpatched Vulnerabilities

Belgian Data Protection Authority Releases Direct Marketing Recommendation

On February 10, 2020, the Belgian Data Protection Authority published its Recommendation on data processing activities for direct marketing purposes. The Recommendation aims to clarify the complex rules relating to processing personal data for direct marketing purposes. Continue Reading

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Illegal Personal Data Processing

Android malware can steal Google Authenticator 2FA codes

A new version of the "Cerberus" Android banking trojan will be able to steal one-time codes generated by the Google Authenticator app and bypass 2FA-protected accounts.

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Research Finds Microsoft Edge Has Privacy-Invading Telemetry

While Microsoft Edge shares the same source code as the popular Chrome browser, it offers better privacy control for users. New research, though, indicates that it may have more privacy-invading telemetry than other browsers. [...]

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Violations of Data Subject Rights

When it comes to zero-day vulnerabilities, the best approach is preventative action

Zero-day vulnerabilities are software security flaws with the potential to be exploited by cybercriminals – they’re unintended flaws found in programs or operating systems that, if left unaddressed, create security holes that can and almost certainly will be exploited. The problem stems from the traditional software development and QA testing processes that fail to identify bugs and flaws that manifest in live usage. Static and dynamic testing, RASP, and vulnerability assessments all look for known problems or known fallible coding techniques which makes it difficult to identify zero-day vulnerabilities (which are, by definition, unknown.) Even using blue-green or canary staging approaches, software bugs may not be seen and will propagate, meaning the code or application problems caused by these flaws are pushed live, because that code is not tested with production traffic. Since the existing testing methodologies have trouble finding these critical zero-day vulnerabilities, other approaches are being tried, including advanced log analysis and bug bounty programs.

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Unpatched Vulnerabilities

New year, new critical Cisco patches to install – this time for a dirty dozen of bugs that can be exploited to sidestep auth, inject commands, etc

Data Center Network Manager bugapalooza with three must-fix flaws Cisco is kicking off 2020 with the release of a crop of patches for its Data Center Network Manager.…

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Unpatched Vulnerabilities