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Become a Cyberday partner: Features, benefits and best practices

A good and efficient tool such as Cyberday is a great way to work on the organization's cyber secuirty. However, for some organizations that is not enough and the expertise and support of a consultant is needed. Our partner program offers both!



Cyberday Community has been launched!

We just launched a new Community section inside Cyberday. Our goal is to make collaboration with your peers and with us easier and thus help you improve your information security even further!



ISO 27001 standard updated to 2022 version - what changed?

What has changed when comparing 2013 vs. 2022 versions of ISO 27001 and how are these updates visible on Cyberday?‍



Efficient cyber risk management with new autopilot mode

We're constatly searching for ways to automate and create efficient cyber risk management. Our newest additions is risk autopilot mode. It's concept is described on this post.



Infographic: Why is cyber security getting more and more important?

Here's a visual summary of some of the drivers that continue to make cyber security more and more important for all organizations.



Cyberday Teams app is now available!

Our Teams app passed the latest Microsoft tests and is now available from the Teams app store. This article reviews the benefits and deployment of Cyberday's Teams app.



Content update published to Cyberday

We released an update to Cyberday documentation. The goal was to streamline documentation, highlight the most important things and significantly reduce the amount of separately documented items.



Cyberday launched: Frameworks, Teams-integration and much more

Cyberday works now inside a Microsoft Teams and by choosing a framework you can guide your own work. In this blog you'll find a summary from reforms!



Trello exposed! Search turns up huge trove of private data

A surprising number of users seem to be setting Trello boards, and their often highly sensitive content, to ‘public’.

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Employee Negligence

HPE Acquires Identity Management Firm Scytale

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) on Monday announced that it has acquired Scytale, an identity management startup that specializes in cloud-native security and zero trust networking. read more

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Outdated Access Rights

Tracking GDPR Fines

GDPR fines are occurring at an increasing frequency. This GDPR fines tracking tool lists details for both completed fines and ongoing cases for uses as a research aid.

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Illegal Personal Data Processing

How can we screw up incident response? Let me count the ways — Monday UK Edition

This week, DataBreaches.net was reminded yet again of the risks of trying to alert an entity to a breach. This time, it was...

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Violations of Data Subject Rights

Social Engineering Based on Stimulus Bill and COVID-19 Financial Compensation Schemes Expected to Grow in Coming Weeks

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Social isolation is a risk factor for scam loss

The coronavirus crisis is forcing people to distance themselves from others, work remotely, and spend time indoors and online. While social distancing is a good health practice to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, it may be helping scammers. Research from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, and the Stanford Center on Longevity found that people are more likely to lose money to a scam when they are socially or physically … More → The post Social isolation is a risk factor for scam loss appeared first on Help Net Security.

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But Their Emails: Many 2020 Campaigns Still Risk Phishing Attacks

Phishing is still a vector to attack presidential campaigns. Many 2020 campaigns still aren’t using best practice by implementing a proper DMARC policy.The post But Their Emails: Many 2020 Campaigns Still Risk Phishing Attacks appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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FBI Warns of Rise in Social Security Scams Spoofing Its Phone Number

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Tuesday has issued a warning about a spike in its phone number being used for Social Security fraud. [...]

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UK: Concerns after patient information stolen from doctor’s car

Maia Snow reports: Concerns have been expressed after documents containing patient information was stolen from a...

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Employee Negligence