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Navigating the Cybersecurity Maze: Master NIS2 with the help of ISO 27001

Learn how to master NIS2 with ISO 27001 and grab our free NIS2 e-book! This blog post was originally written for the Cyber Security Nordic 2024 event where Cyderday is presented as Strategic partner.



Corporate Security Alert: Identifying Dangerous Apps on Employee Phones

This article uncovers hidden security risks of popular apps on work devices, covering social media, messaging, cloud storage, gaming, utility, health, VPN, and shopping apps, with recommendations to safeguard corporate data.



NIS2 national legistation, ransomware and a new development forum: Cyberday product and news round-up 9/2024 🛡️

This is the September news and product review from Cyberday. Read news about ransomware, new phishing techniques and local NIS2-legistations.



IT and OT Cyber Security: Different Environments, Different Priorities

This blog post outlines the key differences between IT and OT cyber security, focusing on their distinct areas, objectives, environments, threat landscapes, and compliance requirements.



Cyber Security in Supply Chain Risk Management

Businesses should prioritize supply chain security by adopting best cyber security practices, fostering resilience, and promoting collaboration to protect against evolving cyber threats. Learn more about this topic in this blog post.



Spreadsheet vs. ISMS tool - top 10 reasons why a tool is better than the traditional way

Discover the top 10 reasons why agile tools outperform traditional spreadsheets in managing cyber security compliance, from centralized management to continuous improvement.



ISMS Essentials: Mastering a Data System Inventory for Your Organization

This post provides essential insights for maintaining a data system inventory within your organization's ISMS, detailing key processes, asset types, and tackling common challenges.



Incident Detection: Building, Nurturing, and Continuously Improving a Proactive Environment

Shift from reactive to proactive incident detection. Use advanced tools, continuous learning, and customised strategies to anticipate and prevent issues. Focus on constant improvement and innovation to boost security and resilience.



New Ransom Payment Schemes Target Executives, Telemedicine

New devious #ransomware schemes: 🏥 Targeting healthcare web consultations by sending them booby-trapped medical records for the “patient” 📥 Carefully "forging" inboxes of company execs to imply they were involved in insider trading

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Hacking cars remotely with just their VIN

#Cybersecurity researcher finds that your car's (e.g. Hyundai, Nissan, Honda) mobile app may allow hackers to remotely unlock, turn on the engine or honk the horn. ➡️ See details of exploiting vulnerabilities to bypass authorisation

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Fantasy – a new Agrius wiper deployed through a supply‑chain attack

⚠️ Agrius is an Iran-aligned #cybercrime group, targeting victims e.g. in Israel and the UAE. They launched a supply-chain attack abusing Israeli software to deploy a wiper malware to numerous customer organizations. Attack details >>

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SIM swapper sent to prison for 2FA cryptocurrency heist of over $20m

Florida man, part of #cybercrime gang, stole 20 M$ from crypto wallets utilizing SIM swapping, sentenced to 18mo and to pay back earnings. ⚠️ SIM-swap problems are why e.g. many authorities no longer recommend using SMS-based 2FA.

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Gangs of cybercriminals are expanding across Africa, investigators say

#Cybercrime growing fast in Africa, driven by internet use growth and opportunities due to economic crisis. 🚨 In Nov. police seized 70 members & 50 properties linked to Black Axe gang operating in South Africa, Nigeria and Ivory Coast.

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Black Basta Gang Deploys Qakbot Malware in Aggressive Cyber Campaign

Qakbot #malware now used actively to attack companies. Starts with phishing, ends in ransomware. ⚠️ "Attacks are swift, with ransomware deployed in less than half a day after obtaining domain admin privileges in under two hours."

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Majority of US Defense Contractors Not Meeting Basic Cybersecurity Requirements

US DoD introduced new #cybersecurity framework CMMC, that contractors must pass to bid for contracts. ⚠️ There's work to be done - now only 13% of contractors are at "good enough" compliance level (CMMC coming into force next year).

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$275M Fine for Meta After Facebook Data Scrape

Authorities fine Meta 275M€ and require #cybersecurity changes. 👉 Data protection by design and default was inadequate, as threat actors were able to use "data scraping" to exfiltrate massive amounts of collated personal user data.

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LastPass admits to customer data breach caused by previous breach

In Aug LastPass reported a breach - attackers planted malware on dev's computer. ⚠️ Now reports of related breach “using info obtained in prev incident”. Passwords weren't stolen but customer data was, that can cause credible #phishing.

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