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Encryption, RaaS, supply chain attacks: Monthly Cyberday product and news roundup 12/2023 🛡️

In December's summary, development themes include UI updates and information security statements. On the news side talk about encryption, RaaS and supply chain attacks.



How do you benefit from ISO 27001 certification?

Why do organizations choose to go for ISO 27001 certification? In this blog article, we will give you our top 5 reasons to get certified. Certification will certainly benefit your security directly, but there are other kind of benefits available too.



Working towards NIS2 compliance with Cyberday

✈️ You want to lift your cyber security management to a new level & get NIS2 compliant with a smart tool like Cyberday? In this post you'll learn how your organization can achieve NIS2 compliance in a smart way by building an own agile ISMS.



Who does NIS2 apply to? Scope and required security measures explained.

In this post you'll learn about what industries are affected by NIS2, security requirements the directive sets, and the available enforcement methods if an organization is not compliant.



What is NIS2 directive? Know EU's new cyber security legislation

Learn about the background and reasons behind the EU's new Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive. How does it affect your company and how should you react to be compliant?



SOC 2: Working towards compliance

With the help of SOC 2, organisations can provide proof of effectively implemented controls and the use of best practices to protect the data to their customers and stakeholders, which may help to build trust.



Personnel information security training and guidelines in Cyberday

Most data breaches start with human error. Still, investments in technical information security are often made more eagerly. We tell you why staff information security training and guidelines are important and how to implement then efficiently.



Information security risk management in Cyberday: Identifying risks, evaluation, treatment and closure

Every cyber security framework highlights risk management in its own way. We summarize in this post, what's essential in information security risk management and what kind of an approach Cyberday offers for it.



Gen Z, Millennial Workers Are Bigger Cybersecurity Risks Than Older Employees

"Vast majority of incidents trace back to a single person" EY's Human risk in #cybersecurity survey: ⚠️ 48% protect personal devices better than work devices ☣️ younger workers more likely to re-use passwords / disregard security updates

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European Police Arrest a Gang That Hacked Wireless Key Fobs to Steal Cars

🗞️ French police (in collab w/ Spain, Latvia) catch a #cybercrime ring of 31 suspects from 22 locations in 3 nations. Members incl. software devs, resellers, and the actual car thieves who used developed tools to break into vehicles.

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Warning: "FaceStealer" iOS and Android apps steal your Facebook login

⚠️ Facestealer #malware spreading through dodgy apps Researchers found 400 iOS/Android apps steal FB creds. They're fun-looking apps (e.g. photo editors, VPNs, games) with good reviews, but demand FB login and send details to fraudsters.

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Qatar Spyware

Visiting Qatar for the World Cup? Get ready to install #spyware. Etheraz, a covid-19 app everyone over 18 must have, needs access to eg: 📍 exact location 🔓 screen lock ❌ read, delete or change all content 💤 prevent sleep mode

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Consumers want more transparency on how companies manage their data

Cisco consumer #privacy survey results: ⚠️ 76% wouldn't buy from a company who they don't want to trust with their data 🏢 37% had indeed switched providers due to poor data privacy practices More findings in the article >>

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Outlining the redress mechanism in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework

On Oct 7 President Biden signed an Executive Order furthering EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. This addresses #privacy concerns from CJEU - limiting access to EU data by US intelligence services and creating a Data Protection Review Court.

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AI and Residual Finger Heat Could Be a Password Cracker's Latest Tools

⚠️ Researchers created ThermoSecure, a cheap method bad actors might use to crack passwords. It analyzes heat signatures from thermal cameras with AI to guess a password with 86% accuracy (when image taken in 20 seconds). #cybersecurity

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Consumers want more transparency on how companies manage their data

On Oct 7 President Biden signed an Executive Order furthering EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. This addresses #privacy concerns from CJEU - limiting access to EU data by US intelligence services and creating a Data Protection Review Court.

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Google Rolling Out Passkey Passwordless Login Support to Android and Chrome

🔑 Passkeys aim to replace standard passwords with unique digital keys that are stored locally on the device. "They cannot be reused, don't leak in server breaches, and protect users from #phishing attacks."

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