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Become a Cyberday partner: Features, benefits and best practices

A good and efficient tool such as Cyberday is a great way to work on the organization's cyber secuirty. However, for some organizations that is not enough and the expertise and support of a consultant is needed. Our partner program offers both!



Cyberday Community has been launched!

We just launched a new Community section inside Cyberday. Our goal is to make collaboration with your peers and with us easier and thus help you improve your information security even further!



ISO 27001 standard updated to 2022 version - what changed?

What has changed when comparing 2013 vs. 2022 versions of ISO 27001 and how are these updates visible on Cyberday?‍



Efficient cyber risk management with new autopilot mode

We're constatly searching for ways to automate and create efficient cyber risk management. Our newest additions is risk autopilot mode. It's concept is described on this post.



Infographic: Why is cyber security getting more and more important?

Here's a visual summary of some of the drivers that continue to make cyber security more and more important for all organizations.



Cyberday Teams app is now available!

Our Teams app passed the latest Microsoft tests and is now available from the Teams app store. This article reviews the benefits and deployment of Cyberday's Teams app.



Content update published to Cyberday

We released an update to Cyberday documentation. The goal was to streamline documentation, highlight the most important things and significantly reduce the amount of separately documented items.



Cyberday launched: Frameworks, Teams-integration and much more

Cyberday works now inside a Microsoft Teams and by choosing a framework you can guide your own work. In this blog you'll find a summary from reforms!



Popular YouTube Channel Caught Distributing Malicious Tor Browser Installer

HK based popular YouTube channel used as a means for distributing malicious Tor-version. Browser's own website is blocked in China. ⚠️ #Malware campaigns using hacked channels and video description links are getting more and more popular.

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8 strange ways employees can (accidently) expose data

Article has interesting "warning examples" for sensitive data exposure, incl.: 📣 LinkedIn career updates 🖨️ discarded office printers 🖼️ social media pics 📧 emails sent to personal accounts 👓 even eyeglass reflections #cybersecurity

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Steam Gaming Phish Showcases Browser-in-Browser Threat

⚠️ Browser-in-the-browser is a novel #phishing tactic that should be on security radars. An authentic-looking fake browser window (e.g. a login form) is deployed to steal credentials and take over accounts. Steam users are now targeted >>

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Former Uber CSO convicted for covering up massive 2016 data theft

Former Uber CSO and DoJ #cybercrime prosecutor guilty of hiding Uber data theft. In 2016 crooks stole 57M customer records from Uber systems. Crooks were paid a ransom to cover up the incident, though law requires disclosing breaches.

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Lazarus hackers abuse Dell driver bug using new FudModule rootkit

☢️ North Korean hacking group spotted exploiting Dell driver CVE in its spear #phishing attacks. Attack disguises as a "job offer" to spy and steal data from carefully selected targets (e.g. aerospace experts, political journalists).

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Threat Trends: Vulnerabilities

📈 We have another record year in CVE disclosure, already 18000+ disclosed. Still most CVEs never get exploited. How should you prioritize #vulnerability's for treatment? Which are severe, which just get media attention? Article has tips ->

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IT admin admits sabotaging ex-employer’s network in bid for higher salary

⚠️ In a bid to get re-hired w/ a larger salary, ex IT employee admitted to sabotage. Mr Umetsu used his old (!) creds to edit DNS records to misdirect web and email traffic. Now he faces upto 10y in prison. #cybersecurity

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Capital One Phish Showcases Growing Bank-Brand Targeting Trend

Phishers watch the news. 📨 6000 #phishing emails going out daily in a scam targeting identities. Campaign exploits Capital One's new partnership with Authentify, tricking bank's customers into uploading images of ID cards.

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Critical WhatsApp Bugs Could Have Let Attackers Hack Devices Remotely

💊 WhatsApp patches two severe flaws that could lead to RCE attacks. One of them (CVE-2022-36934, CVSS score: 9.8) is an integer overflow #vulnerability that can be exploited through establishing a video call.

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