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Who does NIS2 apply to? Scope and required security measures explained.

In this post you'll learn about what industries are affected by NIS2, security requirements the directive sets, and the available enforcement methods if an organization is not compliant.



What is NIS2 directive? Know EU's new cyber security legislation

Learn about the background and reasons behind the EU's new Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive. How does it affect your company and how should you react to be compliant?



SOC 2: Working towards compliance

With the help of SOC 2, organisations can provide proof of effectively implemented controls and the use of best practices to protect the data to their customers and stakeholders, which may help to build trust.



Personnel information security training and guidelines in Cyberday

Most data breaches start with human error. Still, investments in technical information security are often made more eagerly. We tell you why staff information security training and guidelines are important and how to implement then efficiently.



Information security risk management in Cyberday: Identifying risks, evaluation, treatment and closure

Every cyber security framework highlights risk management in its own way. We summarize in this post, what's essential in information security risk management and what kind of an approach Cyberday offers for it.



Become a Cyberday partner: Features, benefits and best practices

A good and efficient tool such as Cyberday is a great way to work on the organization's cyber secuirty. However, for some organizations that is not enough and the expertise and support of a consultant is needed. Our partner program offers both!



Cyberday Community has been launched!

We just launched a new Community section inside Cyberday. Our goal is to make collaboration with your peers and with us easier and thus help you improve your information security even further!



ISO 27001 standard updated to 2022 version - what changed?

What has changed when comparing 2013 vs. 2022 versions of ISO 27001 and how are these updates visible on Cyberday?‍



2022 and the threat landscape: The top 5 future cybersecurity challenges

Continuous improvement is needed from security teams. Examples of 2022 #cybersecurity challenges: ⚠️ Zero trust adoption ⚠️ New 5G risks ⚠️ Evolving phishing strategies ⚠️ Misconf'd enterprise APIs used for lateral movement on attacks

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Ubiquiti breach an inside job, says FBI and DoJ

“Sharp exploited access as 'cloud lead' to steal gigabytes of company data, then, posing as an anon hacker, sent the company a nearly $2M ransom demand." Insider risks often not getting sufficient resources for mitigation. #cybersecurity

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SolarWinds Attackers Spotted Using New Tactics, Malware

Year after SolarWinds attacks, its orchestrators seem active again - looking for ways to spread through service providers to thousands of customers. New tactics seem to include e.g. 🦠 novel #malware (Ceeloader) and 🔓 MFA push abuse.

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Hackers all over the world are targeting Tasmania’s emergency services

#Cybersecurity: Attacks on police, fire, and medical services put lives on danger. Now Tasmania is targeted: ⚠️ 800 hack attempts in employee accounts ⚠️ CCTV compromised ⚠️ Website taken over for two weeks ⚠️ 2FA defeated in 5 occasions

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Nearly 600,000 open cybersecurity-related jobs were listed over 12 months

#Cybersecurity skills shortage research findings: 📈 Supply of workers only enough to fill 68% of jobs demanded 📈 Roles take 21% longer to fill than other IT jobs ⁉️ Few entry-level positions, lots of mid- to advanced-level hiring

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Interpol arrests over 1,000 suspects linked to cyber crime

HAEICHI-II operation caught 1003 cybercriminals, ranging from romance scams to investment frauds and money laundering. 💰Authorities also intercepted nearly 27 M$ and froze 2,350 banking accounts linked to online crimes. #cybersecurity

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Google Warns Crypto Miners Are Hacking Cloud Accounts

Cryptocurrency mining is a for-profit activity that requires large amounts of computing power. ⚠️ Google warns / reports, that 86% of recently compromised Google Cloud accounts were used for this. #cybersecurity

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Big salaries alone are not enough to hire good cybersecurity talent: What else can companies do?

Skills shortage gets worse. ISSA survey key findings from #cybersecurity employees: 🚩 62% face a heavier workload due to companies not being able to hire enough workers 🚩 38% feel burnt out Tips for recruiting cybersec talent >>

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Privacy predictions 2022

What to expect in 2022 in relation to #privacy: ☑️ Even more user settings, but still no "privacy by default"? ☑️ People and legislators demanding more transparency from algorithms ☑️ Remote work increases employees' privacy skills

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