Free NIS2 & ISO 27001 introduction
in your language

Due to the EU's new approaching NIS2 rules (October 2024), Cyberday is arranging 30-minute NIS2 & ISO 27001 introductions to all interested organisations. In this session

We will summarize you NIS2 requirements and what kind of activities being compliant requires
We will show you how ISO 27001's best practices help NIS2 compliance and how Cyberday app can help the journey
You can ask anything from our experts related to best practices in information security

Choose your language and book a time to get started.

A quick introduction to Cyberday

Select your goals to get pre-filled policies. Implement -> Gather assurance -> Report -> Improve.

Cyberday app is available in 7 languages:

You select your goals. We fill your security plan with content.

Set your goals by activating your most relevant frameworks from our library. Requirements are instantly turned into policies you can start implementing.

ISO 27001
ISO 27017
ISO 27701
ISO 27018
Cyber Essentials

Create assurance to give confidence for your evaluations.

Tasks are proven to be implemented (for auditors, top management or your own team) through assurance information. Assurance info differs according to task’s type.

Report automatically. Improve through risk management.

Once you have got moving, you have our full report library at your disposal to create any security reports and documents you need.

When work is getting more advanced, our customized features for risk management, internal auditing and improvement management help you get better every day.

Reporting library
1-click reports
Risk management
Internal audits
Incident management
Continuous improvement

Want to get more info first? Join our webinars.

We arrange weekly webinars related to most importan information security frameworks.

Einführung in die NIS2-Richtlinie, lokale NIS2-Gesetze und Cyberday ISMS







12:00 (CEST)

Wir werden die Grundlagen der Richtlinie vorstellen (z. B. wer im Geltungsbereich liegt, was sich im Vergleich zur NIS-Richtlinie geändert hat und wie Du darauf reagieren solltest) sowie Cyberday als Tool für Dein ISMS und als zentralen Ort für Deine Bemühungen im Bereich der Informationssicherheit.

Introduktion till NIS2-direktivet, lokal NIS2-lagstiftning och Cyberdays ISMS







12:00 (CET)

Vi kommer att presentera grunderna i direktivet (t.ex. vem som ingår i omfattningen, vad som ändrades från NIS och hur ni behöver agera för att möta de nya kraven) och Cyberday ISMS som den centrala plattformen för egna informationssäkerhetsinsatser.

ISO 27001: Bygg en cybersäkerhetsplan som gör att du uppfyller kraven







13:00 (CET)

Vi kommer att gå igenom grunderna i Cyberday och hur ISO 27001-standarden kan stötta systematisk informationssäkerhetshantering. Vi kommer också att täcka 2022 års uppdatering av standarden.

Intro to NIS2 directive, local NIS2 laws and Cyberday ISMS








We will present the basics of the directive (e.g. who's in the scope, what changed from NIS and how should you react) and Cyberday ISMS as the central place for own information security efforts.

March's monthly review for Cyberday admins (3/2025)








Summary of latest development, highlights from cyber security news and other topics from Cyberday team.

Join a global cyber security movement

Hundreds of companies all over the world use Cyberday to manage their information security.

The integration within the Teams app is great and ease of implementing it into the organization via app we all already use was great.

The task based implementation made it simple to build upon and get everything completed within the time limit allowed for implementation.
Jay B.
Network Security Specialist
Cyberday is well integrated with our daily tools. This was one of our main criteria when selecting a ISMS.

With Teams and Slack integration we are able to reach our employees on the platform they use in their day to day activity.
Kim B.
Head of Cyber Security
We are following the ISO 27001, Cyberday provides great tools to achieve all of the requirements.
Niko R.
Application Specialist
We liked especially the easy of use, easy to get started, good for SME companies with limited resources.

It's a nice fit for our needs at the moment.
Janne P.
Director, Quality & Processes and Research
Cyberday's advantages were a cheaper price, comprehensive scope, ease of use and an unlimited number of users.

It also works as part of Microsoft Teams, which will make it easier to deploy the system.
Tommi S.
ICT Development Manager