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Review Cyberday in Capterra

Want to recommend us to others? Amazing! This article will help you to write a product review on Capterra, G2 and Teams.

What is Capterra?

Capterra is a software review platform, where consumers can browse, review and compare different platforms. Capterra marketplace offers insights, allowing you to read verified reviews. With over 2 million verified reviews and over 900 categories, users can make decisions easier.

How to leave a review in Capterra

In Capterra, you can find Cyberday easiest through search tabs. To start the review process, just click "Review now". You can also go straight to reviewing from here.

Review Cyberday

Tip: If you want to save time, you can sign in with your LinkedIn account.

Reviewing process itself happens in a form. Before leaving the actual review, Capterra asks you to fill in basic information so that the product user and the review can be properly approved. To make this easier, you can just sign in with Linkedin.

After that, I will be able to give a review. The review will not be immediately visible on the Capterra website, so don't worry! Capterra checks each review before publishing, so it may take a while.

Questions and feedback

Do you have any further questions, would you like more help or would you like to give feedback? Contact our team at or via the chat in the bottom right corner.


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