1. The financial entities referred to in Article 16(1) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 shall include in their simplified ICT risk management framework all of the following:
(a) a determination of the risk tolerance levels for ICT risk, in accordance with the risk appetite of the financial entity;
(b) the identification and assessment of the ICT risks to which the financial entity is exposed;
(c) the specification of mitigation strategies at least for the ICT risks that are not within the risk tolerance levels of the financial entity;
(d) the monitoring of the effectiveness of the mitigation strategies referred to in point (c);
(e) the identification and assessment of any ICT and information security risks resulting from any major change in ICT system or ICT services, processes, or procedures, and from ICT security testing results and after any major ICT-related incident.
2. The financial entities referred to in paragraph 1 shall carry out and document the ICT risk assessment periodically commensurate to the financial entities’ ICT risk profile.
3. The financial entities referred to in paragraph 1 shall continuously monitor threats and vulnerabilities that are relevant to their critical or important functions, and information assets and ICT assets, and shall regularly review the risk scenarios impacting those critical or important functions.
4. The financial entities referred to in paragraph 1 shall set out alert thresholds and criteria to trigger and initiate ICT-related incident response processes.
The organization proactively seeks to list and assess the likelihood and severity of various cyber security risks. The documentation shall include the following:
The organization has defined procedures for assessing and treating cyber security risks. The definition includes at least:
The task owner regularly checks that the procedure is clear and produces consistent results.
All security incidents are addressed in a consistent manner to improve security based on what has happened.
In the incident treatment process:
The organization has defined a process for addressing identified technical vulnerabilities.
Some vulnerabilities can be fixed directly, but vulnerabilities that have a significant impact should also be documented as security incidents. Once a vulnerability with significant impacts has been identified:
Organization carries out threat intelligence by gathering information about information security threats related to its operations and how to protect against them. The goal is to increase awareness of the threat environment, so that own security level can be better evaluated and adequate control measures implemented.
When collecting threat intelligence, all three levels must be taken into account:
Principles related to threat intelligence should include:
The organization should create and maintain incident response plans. The response plans should include at least:
Organisation must develop a clear, comprehensive definition of what constitutes a reportable security event or observation, ensuring it covers the following categories:
Organisation must have a defined procedure for reporting of incidents and it should be communicated to the personnel:
The organization must enable asset based risk management from the ISMS settings.
Asset-based risk management should be set to cover all needed asset types with high enough criticality. The asset based risk management should be used at least for:
Inadequate change management is a common cause of incidents for digital services.
An organization shall document the change management process that must be followed whenever significant changes are made to developed digital services or other computing services that affect cyber security. The process includes requirements e.g. for the following:
As part of the security risk assessment, the organization shall make assessments of the severity and probability of the risk materializing.
The organization shall have a clearly instructed risk scale that allows each participant in the risk assessment to decide on the appropriate level of severity and probability.
The organization must determine an acceptable level for risks. The level is calculated based on the likelihood, impact and control of the risks.
Tietoturvariskien hallintaa toteuttaessaan organisaation on tunnistettava käsittelyä vaativat riskit ja määriteltävä näille käsittelysuunnitelmat, jotka usein koostuvat uusista tietoturvallisuustoimenpiteistä.
Organisaatio on määritellyt, kuinka säännöllisesti arvioidaan kokonaisuutena määriteltyjä käsittelysuunnitelmia ja niiden oikeasuhtaisuutta riskeille täytettyihin arvioihin (riskin vakavuus ja todennäköisyys) verrattuna.
Implemented risk management measures and the overall situation of risk management are checked regularly.
The operating model for monitoring the status of risk management is clearly described.
Organization must consider the threat intelligence process findings in the information security risk management process. Threat intelligence can detect, for example, the proliferation of certain types of attacks or the development of new technologies, based on which assessments of certain information security risks must be updated, which may lead to the need to reduce risks through treatment plans.
The organization has an operating model for continuously improving the functionality and efficiency of the risk management process.
In the improvement, it is possible to use e.g. general standards (e.g. ISO 27005) or feedback from people involved in risk management.