Subjekts veic piemērotus un samērīgus tehniskos un organizatoriskos pasākumus, lai pārvaldītu kiberriskus subjekta izmantoto elektronisko sakaru tīklu un informācijas sistēmu drošībai un novērstu vai līdz minimumam samazinātu kiberincidentu ietekmi uz subjekta pakalpojumu saņēmējiem un uz citiem pakalpojumiem.
Our organization has defined procedures for maintaining staff's cyber security awareness.These may include e.g. the following things:
Training should focus on the most relevant security aspects for each job role and include often enough the basics, which concern all employees:
All employees handling confidential information should sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement before processing confidential information.
The confidentiality commitment should include, among other things:
The requirements and needs for confidentiality agreements are reviewed and updated at regular intervals.
The employment contracts specify the responsibilities of the employee and the organization for cyber security.
Contracts should include e.g.:
Our organization has defined procedures for coordinating, at the time of termination of employment, e.g..:
Personnel must have security guidelines that deal with e.g. the following topics:
Our organization has defined the actions to be taken in the event of a breach of confidentiality. These may include e.g. the following steps:
Applicants applying for cyber security should have their background checked, taking into account relevant laws and regulations.
The check may include:
The background check may also be extended to, for example, teleworkers, contractors or other third parties. The depth of the background check can be related to the category of the accessed data.
A log is kept of the cyber security training events provided by the organization to its staff. The log can be used to show what kind of specific investments the organization has made towards staff's cyber security expertise.
For each training the documentation should include:
The security guidelines are specified in connection with the employee's job role. The organization has identified units and roles that require separate guidance and develops its own detailed security guidelines for these.
Examples of units that may require their own guidelines are e.g. customer service, IT and HR. Examples of work roles that require their own instructions are the system administrators and the remote workers.
Before granting access rights to data systems with confidential information employees have:
If staff have conflicting goals with the security guidelines, they are unlikely to follow the guidelines.
The organization actively seeks to find poorly functioning guidelines and modify either the guidelines, tools or staff priorities to enable following the guidelines.
The organization needs to remind employees of their roles and security responsibilities. The reminder reinforces staff security awareness, safe practices and compliance with guidelines and legal requirements related to their job role.