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SOC 2 (Systems and Organization Controls)
CC8.1: Change management procedures

Requirement description

The entity authorizes, designs, develops or acquires, configures, documents, tests, approves, and implements changes to infrastructure, data, software, and procedures to meet its objectives. /desc

Points of focus:

- Manages Changes Throughout the System Lifecycle
- Authorizes Changes
- Designs and Develops Changes
- Documents Changes
- Tracks System Changes
- Configures Software
- Tests System Changes
- Approves System Changes
- Deploys System Changes
- Identifies and Evaluates System Change
- Identifies Changes in Infrastructure, Data, Software, and Procedures Required to Remediate Incidents
- Creates Baseline Configuration of IT Technology
- Provides for Changes Necessary in Emergency Situations
- Protects Confidential Information
- Protects Personal Information

How to fill the requirement

SOC 2 (Systems and Organization Controls)

CC8.1: Change management procedures

Task name
Other requirements
Separation of production, testing and development environments
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Development and cloud
Secure development

Examples of other requirements this task affects

12.5: Control of operational software
ISO27 Full
12.1.4: Separation of development, testing and operational environments
ISO27 Full
12.5.1: Installation of software on operational systems
ISO27 Full
14.2.6: Secure development environment
ISO27 Full
PR.DS-7: The development and testing environments
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Separation of production, testing and development environments
1. Task description

Software under development, testing and production is run in differentiated technical environments in order to ensure the quality of development work in an environment that adapts to the production environment and, on the other hand, the production environment is not disturbed by unfinished development.

Sensitive or personal data of users is not copied and used in a development environment.

Definition of done and testing principles
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Development and cloud
Secure development

Examples of other requirements this task affects

14.2.3: Technical review of applications after operating platform changes
ISO27 Full
14.2.9: System acceptance testing
ISO27 Full
8.29: Security testing in development and acceptance
ISO27k1 Full
CC8.1: Change management procedures
PR.IP-2: A System Development Life Cycle to manage systems is implemented.
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Definition of done and testing principles
1. Task description

The development unit itself maintains a list of criteria that need to be met before a task can be marked as completed. The criteria may include e.g. review requirements, documentation requirements and testing requirements.

New code will only be implemented after extensive testing that meets pre-defined criteria. Tests should cover usability, security, effects on other systems, and user-friendliness.

Maintaining confidentiality agreements
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Personnel security
Cyber security in contracts

Examples of other requirements this task affects

7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO27 Full
7.1.2: Terms and conditions of employment
ISO27 Full
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO27 Full
13.2.4: Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements
ISO27 Full
T10: Salassapito- ja vaitiolositoumukset
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Maintaining confidentiality agreements
1. Task description

All employees handling confidential information should sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement before processing confidential information.

The confidentiality commitment should include, among other things:

  • a clear definition of confidential information
  • the expected duration of the commitment
  • required actions when the commitment is terminated
  • the responsibilities and actions of signatories to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information
  • ownership of information, trade secrets, and intellectual property and how this relates to the protection of confidential information
  • permissible use of confidential information and the signatory's rights to use the information
  • the right to audit and monitor activities involving confidential information

The requirements and needs for confidentiality agreements are reviewed and updated at regular intervals.

Evaluation process and documentation of significant security-related changes
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Risk management and leadership
Risk management

Examples of other requirements this task affects

12.1.2: Change management
ISO27 Full
6.5: Tietojärjestelmien asennus, ylläpito ja päivitys
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes
TEK-17: Muutoshallintamenettelyt
8.32: Change management
ISO27k1 Full
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Evaluation process and documentation of significant security-related changes
1. Task description

In systematic cyber security work, the impact of significant changes must be assessed in advance and they must be executed in a controlled way. The consequences of unintentional changes must be assessed and efforts made to mitigate possible adverse effects.

Significant changes may include: changes in the organization, operating environment, business processes and data systems. Changes can be identified e.g. through management reviews and other cyber security work.

General rules for reviewing and publishing code
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Development and cloud
Secure development

Examples of other requirements this task affects

14.2.2: System change control procedures
ISO27 Full
14.2.3: Technical review of applications after operating platform changes
ISO27 Full
TEK-14: Ohjelmistojen turvallisuuden varmistaminen
8.28: Secure coding
ISO27k1 Full
8.32: Change management
ISO27k1 Full
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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General rules for reviewing and publishing code
1. Task description

General rules for reviewing, approving and publishing the code have been defined and enforced.

The rules may include e.g. the following things:

  • the generated code has been validated against the general safe development guidelines of the OWASP Framework
  • the code has been reviewed by at least two people
  • the changes have been approved by a designated, authorized user prior to publication
  • the system documentation has been updated before release
  • the time of publication of the changes has been chosen in accordance with the given instructions in order to minimize disruption to business processes
  • the instructions needed by users have been updated before the code is released

The rules are intended to manage the risks associated with the release of new program code.

Listing authorized users for publishing code changes
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Development and cloud
Secure development

Examples of other requirements this task affects

12.5: Control of operational software
ISO27 Full
12.5.1: Installation of software on operational systems
ISO27 Full
14.2.2: System change control procedures
ISO27 Full
14.2.7: Outsourced development
ISO27 Full
8.19: Installation of software on operational systems
ISO27k1 Full
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Listing authorized users for publishing code changes
1. Task description

Only pre-defined, authorized users are allowed to post changes to the code.

Source code management
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Development and cloud
Secure development

Examples of other requirements this task affects

9.4.5: Access control to program source code
ISO27 Full
14.2.6: Secure development environment
ISO27 Full
8.4: Access to source code
ISO27k1 Full
8.31: Separation of development, test and production environments
ISO27k1 Full
CC8.1: Change management procedures
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Source code management
1. Task description

Access to source code and other related plans is controlled to prevent e.g. adding unauthorized code and avoiding unintentional changes. Access rights are allocated on a need-to-know basis and, for example, support staff are not granted unlimited access rights.

Source code control can be implemented, for example, by storing all code centrally in a dedicated source code management system.

Guidelines for secure development
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Development and cloud
Secure development

Examples of other requirements this task affects

14.2.1: Secure development policy
ISO27 Full
14.2.5: Secure system engineering principles
ISO27 Full
TEK-14: Ohjelmistojen turvallisuuden varmistaminen
8.25: Secure development life cycle
ISO27k1 Full
8.27: Secure system architecture and engineering principles
ISO27k1 Full
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Guidelines for secure development
1. Task description

The general rules for secure development work have been drawn up and approved by the development managers. The implementation of the rules is monitored in software development in the organization and the rules are reviewed at least yearly.

The safe development policy may include e.g. the following things:

  • safety requirements of the development environment
  • instructions for secure coding of the programming languages used
  • safety requirements at the design stage of properties or projects
  • secure software repositories
  • version control security requirements
  • the skills required from developers to avoid, discover and fix vulnerabilities
  • compliance with secure coding standards

Compliance with the rules of secure development may also be required of key partners.

Change management procedure for significant changes to data processing services
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Development and cloud
Secure development

Examples of other requirements this task affects

14.2.2: System change control procedures
ISO27 Full
14.2.4: Restrictions on changes to software packages
ISO27 Full
PR.DS-6: Integrity checking
TEK-17: Muutoshallintamenettelyt
8.32: Change management
ISO27k1 Full
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Change management procedure for significant changes to data processing services
1. Task description

Inadequate change management is a common cause of incidents for digital services.

An organization shall document the change management process that must be followed whenever significant changes are made to developed digital services or other computing services that affect cyber security. The process includes requirements e.g. for the following:

  • Defining and documenting the change
  • Assessing the risks and defining the necessary control measures
  • Other impact assessment of the change
  • Testing and quality assurance
  • Managed implementation of the change
  • Updating a change log
System portfolio management and proactive design of portfolio
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
System management
Data system procurement

Examples of other requirements this task affects

14.1.1: Information security requirements analysis and specification
ISO27 Full
CC8.1: Change management procedures
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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System portfolio management and proactive design of portfolio
1. Task description

Determined system portfolio management means a clear picture of the organization's system as a whole, the benefits of different systems and future needs.

The aim of system portfolio management is to achieve e.g.:

  • efficiency benefits by understanding the whole and e.g. the possibilities of integrations
  • eliminate duplication
  • save on unnecessary licensing costs
  • control the number of suppliers
  • facilitate staff guidance

Tasks included in the policy

Task name
Other requirements
No items found.

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1.1 (MIL2): Manage IT and OT Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.1 (MIL3): Manage IT and OT Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.1.1: Availability of information security policies
1.1.1: Identify the organisation’s strategy and priorities
1.1.2: Identify the organisation’s structures and processes for security management
1.1.3: Identify the organisation’s processes for ICT risk management
1.1.4: Identify the organisation’s tolerances for ICT risk
1.1.5: Identify the organisation’s deliverables, information systems and supporting ICT functions
1.1.6: Identify information processing and data flow
1.2 (MIL2): Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.2 (MIL3): Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.2.1: Establish a process to identify devices and software in use at the organisation
1.2.1: Scope of Information Security management
1.2.2: Establish organisational guidelines for approved devices and software
1.2.2: Information Security Responsibilities
1.2.3: Identify devices in use at the organisation
1.2.3: Information Security requirements in projects
1.2.4: Definition of responsibilities with service providers
1.2.4: Identify the software in use at the organisation
1.2: Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.3 (MIL2): Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.3 (MIL3): Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.3.1: Identification of information assets
1.3.1: Identify the users of the information systems
1.3.2: Classification of information assets
1.3.2: Identify and define the different user categories
1.3.3: Identify roles and responsibilities linked especially to ICT security
1.3.3: Use of approved external IT services
1.3.4: Use of approved software
1.3: Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.4 (MIL2): Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.4 (MIL3): Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.4.1: Management of Information Security Risks
1.4: Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL1): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL2): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL3): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5.1: Assessment of policies and requirements
1.5.2: External review of ISMS
1.5: Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.6.1: Reporting of security events
1.6.2: Management of reported events
1.6.3: Crisis preparedness
10 §: Johdon vastuu
10. Processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences
10.1 (MIL2): Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.1 (MIL3): Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.1.1: Policy on the use of cryptographic controls
ISO27 Full
10.1.2: Key management
ISO27 Full
10.1.2: Key management
ISO 27017
10.1: Continuous improvement
ISO27k1 Full
10.1: Cryptographic controls
ISO27 Full
10.1: Cryptographic controls
ISO 27017
10.1: Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.2 (MIL2): Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2 (MIL3): Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2: Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2: Non-conformity and corrective action
ISO27k1 Full
10.3 (MIL1): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3 (MIL2): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3 (MIL3): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3: Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10: Cryptography
ISO27 Full
10: Cryptography
ISO 27017
10: Cybersecurity Program Management (PROGRAM)
C2M2: MIL1
10: Prosessi väärinkäytöksiin reagoimiseksi
Sec overview
11 §: Poikkeamailmoitukset viranomaiselle
11. Processing which does not require identification
11.1.1: Physical security perimeter
ISO27 Full
11.1.2: Physical entry controls
ISO27 Full
11.1.3: Securing offices, rooms and facilities
ISO27 Full
11.1.4: Protecting against external and environmental threats
ISO27 Full
11.1.5: Working in secure areas
ISO27 Full
11.1.6: Delivery and loading areas
ISO27 Full
11.1: Secure areas
ISO27 Full
11.2.1: Equipment siting and protection
ISO27 Full
11.2.2: Supporting utilities
ISO27 Full
11.2.3: Cabling security
ISO27 Full
11.2.4: Equipment maintenance
ISO27 Full
11.2.5: Removal of assets
ISO27 Full
11.2.6: Security of equipment and assets off-premises
ISO27 Full
11.2.7: Secure disposal or re-use of equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2.7: Secure disposal or re-use of equipment
ISO 27017
11.2.8: Unattended user equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2.9: Clear desk and clear screen policy
ISO27 Full
11.2: Equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2: Equipment
ISO 27017
11: Digiturvan mittarien määrittäminen
Sec overview
11: Physical and environmental security
ISO27 Full
11: Physical and environmental security
ISO 27017
12 §: Luotettavuutta edellyttävien tehtävien tunnistaminen ja luotettavuudesta varmistuminen
12 §: Poikkeamaa koskeva väliraportti
12. Transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject
12.1.1: Documented operating procedures
ISO27 Full
12.1.2: Change management
ISO27 Full
12.1.3: Capacity management
ISO27 Full
12.1.4: Separation of development, testing and operational environments
ISO27 Full
12.1: Operational procedures and responsibilities
ISO27 Full
12.2.1: Controls against malware
ISO27 Full
12.2: Protection from malware
ISO27 Full