Tiedonhallintayksikön on selvitettävä toiminnan jatkuvuuteen kohdistuvat olennaiset riskit ja huolehdittava etukäteisvalmisteluin toiminnan mahdollisimman häiriöttömästä jatkumisesta sekä normaaliolojen häiriötilanteissa että poikkeusoloissa.
Tiedonhallintayksikön on suoritettava olennaiset riskiarvioinnit sen tietoaineistojen käsittelyn, tietojärjestelmien hyödyntämisen ja toiminnan jatkuvuuden suhteen. Riskiarvioinnin perusteella tiedonhallintayksikön on:
a) Laadittava valmiussuunnitelmat ja etukäteisvalmistelut häiriötilanteiden varalle.
b) Suoritettava muut tarvittavat toimenpiteet, jotta tietoaineistojen käsittely, tietojärjestelmien hyödyntäminen ja niihin perustuva toiminta voivat jatkua mahdollisimman häiriöttömästi normaaliolojen häiriötilanteissa sekä valmiuslaissa (1552/2011) tarkoitetuissa poikkeusoloissa.
Sometimes an unexpected event, such as a fire, flood, or equipment failure, can cause downtime. In order to be able to continue operations as quickly and smoothly as possible, continuity planning is carried out, i.e. planning the operations in advance for these exceptional situations.
Each continuity plan shall contain at least the following information:
Management shall define responsibilities and establish procedures to ensure an effective and consistent response to security incidents.
Management must ensure e.g.:
The process must ensure e.g.:
The organization must document in advance procedures for responding to security breaches to ensure the actions of related departments, customers, and other critical partners in the event of a security breach.
The organization must test and update its response to the security breach at scheduled intervals or after significant changes. For critical parts of the organization, operational plans should be tested at least annually. Test results should be documented and communicated to improve the plan.
The organization shall establish a incident response plan for security incidents to critical information systems. Response plans should also be tested by the necessary organizational elements. The plan should take into account at least:
In addition, the plan should at least:
The organization has identified the tasks that are critical for the continuity of its operations. Alternative courses of action for specific exceptional situations and staff availability and contingency arrangements have been planned and prepared for the continuation of critical tasks.
To implement the continuation plans, the plan owners, their alternates and other persons required to implement the plan have been identified. In addition, their ability to carry out their tasks under normal circumstances has been ensured.