Objective: It is important, that a common understanding of the division of responsibilities exists and that the implementation of all security requirements is ensured. Therefore, when using external IT service providers and IT services, the responsibilities regarding the implementation of information security measures are to be defined and verifiably documented.
Requirements (must): The concerned services and IT services used are identified.
The security requirements relevant to the IT service are determined:
The organization responsible for implementing the requirement is defined and aware of its responsibility.
Mechanisms for shared responsibilities are specified and implemented.
The responsible organization fulfils its respective responsibilities.
Requirements (should): "+ In case of IT services, configuration has been conceived, implemented, and documented based on the necessary security requirements.
The responsible staff is adequately trained.
The organization must maintain a list of partners who have access to confidential information. System vendors and processors of personal data are listed separately from other stakeholders because they play an active role in the processing of data.
A designated responsible person actively monitors the supplier's activities and services to ensure compliance with the security terms of the contracts and the proper management of security incidents.
Monitoring includes the following:
The organization must communicate to suppliers their roles and responsibilities in supply chain security. It must also be ensured that suppliers understand their security guidelines and any other security responsibilities under the agreements.
Organization must be able to monitor that devices, data systems and networks are maintained in accordance with the defined configurations (including security features) both during the implementation phase and throughout their entire life cycle.
For this, the organization has defined standard templates for secure configurations of devices, data systems and networks. When specifying standard templates, the following are taken into account:
Standard templates should be checked regularly and updated when significant new threats or vulnerabilities need to be responded to or new software or hardware versions are released.
The following points should be taken into account when defining standard templates:
Current configurations of devices, data systems and networks are documented and a log is maintained of configuration changes.
Changes to configurations must be controlled and go through the change management procedure. Only authorized personnel are allowed to make changes to the configurations.
Configuration information may include e.g.:
The organization must identify critical IT partners. A critical partner (internal or external) refers to a partner without whom the operation is interrupted.
Configurations should be monitored with comprehensive system management tools (e.g. maintenance utilities, remote support, enterprise management tools, backup and recovery software) and reviewed regularly to assess settings, password strengths, and operations performed. Actual configurations can be compared to defined target models. Any discrepancies must be dealt with either automatically or by manual processing.
Any unauthorized changes must be corrected and cause investigated and reported.