Additional info

The concept > How it works


Choose your frameworks

Configure your security work by choosing your most relevant entities from framework library.
ISO 27001
ISO 27701
ISO 27017
ISO 27018

We create your policies automatically

Cyberday's Content AI creates the necessary policies that get you compliant with selected frameworks.
587 tasks in content library
Tasks mapped to 16 frameworks and 249 risks

Implement policies through smart tasks

Policies are monitored through task owners and logs. Tasks are implemented using support tools and content in Cyberday.´
Asset management tools
Risk management tools
Employee awareness tools
Link your security technology
Write process descriptions

Automated cyber security reporting

With report library's dynamic templates, you can create the desired summaries of cyber security with "one click".
Compliance reports
PDF-snapshots of policies
Procedure documents
Descriptions required by law
Custom reports
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How does Cyberday work?

If you would like to watch a short overall introduction to Cyberday, you can simply click here to get straight to the video.


We have a constantly growing library of frameworks for you available in Cyberday. Simply activate one or several frameworks you would like to work with (you can activate and deactivate any framework at any time, no extra charges) from our library. The frameworks are parallel mapped, which means you only have to work on a task once, even if it appears in other frameworks later on again.


Once you have selected the framework(s) of your choice, Cyberday creates a list of themes for you, which include the tasks you will work with. If you are interested in learning more about our tasks and task management in Cyberday, you can visit our Academy or simply click here.


The smart reports will save you a lot of time and effort. Cyberday is using the information you are providing by activating and filling the tasks to create automated reports for you. You can read more about the reporting feature in our Academy here.