The ogranization must have a privacy and data protection policy created and it must be regularly updated and approved by organization's management.
The organization should limit the collection of personal data to the minimum level that is essential and necessary for the purpose of processing the personal data collected.
The realization of the principle should be ensured regularly from the point of view of all processing by comparing the documentation of the management system (e.g. the purposes of use of the data) with the personal data held by the organization in practice.
The organization should have a process for regularly assessing the accuracy and correctness of personal data, making necessary updates, and notifying data recipients of corrections.
The more important the accuracy of the information is, the more measures the controller must take to ensure the correctness of the information. Ensuring the correctness of the information is particularly important when decisions relevant to the individual are made on the basis of personal information. In this case, inaccurate and incorrect information can seriously endanger the data subject's rights (e.g. lead to incorrect treatment decisions).
The organization must identify different processing situations in which it may be necessary to limit the processing of personal data and the amount of personal data in relation to their purposes. This may include e.g. removal of data allowing identification and other data processing limitation techniques.
The organization should determine and document the restriction goals for data processing and the mechanisms used to implement the goals.
The organization should have a documented process for disposing of temporary data generated as a result of personal data processing within the specified time.
Disposal should be carried out by clearing or destroying temporary files in accordance with the procedure within a set schedule.
Organisaatio tunnistaa kaikki henkilötietojen käsittelytoimet, joissa käytetään henkilötunnusta. Organisaatio varmistaa kunkin käsittelytoimen osalta, että henkilötunnuksen käytölle on laissa hyväksytty peruste.
Henkilötunnusta saa käsitellä rekisteröidyn suostumuksella tai, jos käsittelystä säädetään laissa. Lisäksi henkilötunnusta saa käsitellä, jos rekisteröidyn yksiselitteinen yksilöiminen on tärkeää:
Organisaatio säilyttää henkilötietoja muodossa, josta rekisteröity on tunnistettavissa, ainoastaan niin kauan, kun on tarpeen tietojen käsittelyn tarkoitusten toteuttamista varten.
Periaatteen toteutuminen tulisi varmistaa säännöllisesti kokonaisuuden näkökulmasta analysoimalla hallintajärjestelmän dokumentaatiota (etenkin määritellyt tietoaineistojen säilytysajat) ja myös vertaamalla dokumentaatiota tietojen todelliseen poistamiseen.
Taking care of data protection is purposefully aimed at forming part of the organizational culture, and the implementation of this is regularly evaluated.
In addition, the organization has defined clear methods of operation to measure staff attitudes towards data protection (e.g. surveys, tests). The measurement results are interpreted and clear measures are formed based on them.
The organization regularly conducts privacy audit. For example, the audit identifies shortcomings and development needs related to the processing of personal data and the processing of personal data.
Anonymisation means modifying personal information so that the person can no longer be identified from it. For example, data can be roughened to a general level or data about an individual can be deleted. Identification is irreversibly prevented in anonymisation, in contrast to pseudonymisation, where data can be restored to their original form using additional information.
Pseudonymisation means the processing of personal data in such a manner that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information.
The task of the Data Protection Officer (or other responsible person) is to monitor that the Data Protection Regulation and other data protection requirements are complied with in the organisation's operations.
In making her assessment, the responsible person shall take into account the risk associated with the processing operations and of the nature, extent, context and purposes of the processing of personal data.
The organisation ensures that the processing of personal data is necessary and proportionate for the legitimate purposes of the processing. Personal data should only be processed if the purpose of the processing cannot be reasonably achieved by other means.
The implementation of this principle should be regularly verified from a holistic perspective by analysing the documentation of the management system (in particular the purposes for which the data are used).
Organisaatio kerää henkilötietoja vain tietyssä, nimenomaisessa ja laillisessa tarkoituksessa, eikä käsittele henkilötietoja alkuperäisten tarkoitusten kanssa yhteensopimattomalla tavalla myöhemmin.
Periaatteen toteutuminen tulisi varmistaa säännöllisesti kokonaisuuden näkökulmasta vertaamalla hallintajärjestelmän dokumentaatiota (etenkin tietojen käyttötarkoitukset) henkilötietojen todelliseen hyödyntämiseen organisaation arjessa.