All employees handling confidential information should sign a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement before processing confidential information.
The confidentiality commitment should include, among other things:
The requirements and needs for confidentiality agreements are reviewed and updated at regular intervals.
The employment contracts specify the responsibilities of the employee and the organization for cyber security.
Contracts should include e.g.:
Our organization has defined the actions to be taken in the event of a breach of confidentiality. These may include e.g. the following steps:
Confidentiality and non-disclosure requirements are reviewed at regular intervals and whenever changes affecting these requirements occur.
The organization must ensure that the new employee signs an employment contract before he or she has access to any of the organization's records or data systems.
The employment contract should reflect the employee's responsibilities for information security and other roles relevant to the organization's information security.
Organization's confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements continue beyond the employment contract or order.
Organization also has defined a procedure handling violations of the personnel obligations.
The employees of our organization accept the general information security policy formed by the management with their signatures. The policy may refer to a number of more specific security guidelines.