The organization has a process for identifying internal and external issues that are relevant to its purpose and QMS. This can be implemented e.g. through strategy work or by utilizing SWOT (for internal issues) or PESTLE (for external issues) analysis.
Process includes describing how the relevant issues are followed and how they generate risks, changes, improvements or tasks to the management system, when they are relevant for properly reacting to the identified external and internal issues.
Examples of relevant internal issues might be:
Examples of relevant external issues might be:
The organization must operate, maintain, and continuously develop a quality management system. The boundaries and scope, contents, role, cumulative implementation information and other necessary descriptive information related to the management system must be clearly documented.
The organization has a quality policy developed and approved by top management.
The policy shall include at least the following:
Organization's top management sets quality objectives. Quality objectives meet the following requirements:
In connection with the documentation of quality objectives, the necessary top-level improvements and tasks, needed resources, responsible persons, due dates and methods for evaluating the results in order to achieve the objectives are also defined.
The organization monitors customers’ success and satisfaction with their products and services. The goal is to find out to which degree their needs and expectations are fulfilled.
The organization has determined the methods for collecting, monitoring and reviewing customer satisfaction information. Possible methods for collecting the information can include:
The organisation regularly evaluates the level of quality and the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Organisation has defined:
Effective metrics should be usable for identifying weaknesses, targeting resources better and assessing organisation's success / failure related to quality.
The organization shall continuously strive to improve the performance of the quality management system. Ways to improve are being actively sought - not just through audits or clear non-conformities.
Task owner is responsible for documenting the improvements made to the quality management system and dividing them into tasks to be performed, monitoring task execution and assessing the reached effects.
From the point of view of the quality management system, non-conformities can be e.g. customer complaints, non-conforming process outputs, other situations where quality requirements are not met or other situations where related processes are not complied with.
In systematic quality work, all detected non-conformities are documented and corrected. Non-conformity documentation is managed in the QMS and it includes at least:
The organization's top management must demonstrate a commitment to quality work and the quality management system. Management commits to:
Top management also decides the scope of the quality management system and records the decision in the description of the QMS. This means, for example, whether some parts of the organisation's activities is excluded from the scope of the QMS, or whether it applies to all processes and products / services of the organization.
The employees of organization accept the quality policy. The acceptance is monitored regularly. The quality policy may refer to a number of topic-specific policies or procedures.
The quality policy shall also in general be available in the organization, communicated and clearly understood by employees, applied in the organization and available to relevant (also external) interested parties.
The organization proactively identifies and evaluates different quality related risks. Goal is to continuously improve, give assurance that the QMS reaches intended results and prevent or reduce undesired effects.
The quality risk documentation includes at least:
The organization has determined and provided the resources needed for implementing and continuously improving the quality management system.
When determining the resources, organization considers:
The organization shall also define the persons necessary for the effective implementation of the QMS and for the operation and control of its processes.
The organization has defined the needed 'organizational knowledge' to effectively operate its processes or delived products / services. This knowledge is documented along with process and product / service documentation in the QMS.
Organizational knowledge can include e.g.:
This knowledge shall be maintained and be made available to the extent necessary.
The organization shall consider its current knowledge and determine how to acquire or access any necessary additional knowledge and required updates that are needed for achieving future objectives.
The organization has defined methods for analyzing and evaluating the quality-related metrics defined for each process and generally for customer satisfaction.
Analysis can be carried out e.g. on periodical workshops that focus on evaluating organization's quality from the top-level.
The results of analysis are used to evaluate at least: