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Data classification
Review of data classification procedures

Other tasks from the same security theme

Task name
Other requirements
Documentation of data classes for data sets
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

8.2.1: Classification of information
ISO 27001
18.1.3: Protection of records
ISO 27001
T07: Tietojen luokittelu
ID.AM-5: Resource prioritization
HAL-04.2: Suojattavat kohteet - luokittelu
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Documentation of data classes for data sets
1. Task description

The dataset owners (or the owners of the related information asset, such as a data store or data system) are responsible for the classifications of the datasets and the correspondence of the classification to the definitions of the classes.

The owner updates the data classification over the life cycle of the asset according to variations in its value, sensitivity, and criticality.

Definition of data classifications and class-specific security procedures
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

8.2: Information classification
ISO 27001
8.2.1: Classification of information
ISO 27001
8.2.2: Labelling of information
ISO 27001
8.2.3: Handling of assets
ISO 27001
11.2.5: Removal of assets
ISO 27001
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Definition of data classifications and class-specific security procedures
1. Task description

Data classification can be used to give data processors a quick view of how critical data is and how data should be processed and protected.

The data categories used and the corresponding security levels are defined. The category of information is defined by analyzing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information in question, as well as any other requirements. Each level is given a clear and descriptive name.

Data classifications can be, for example, the following:

  • disclosure of information does not cause harm (PUBLIC)
  • disclosure of information causes slight inconvenience or minor operational annoyance (CONFIDENTIAL)
  • disclosure of information has significant short-term effects on operations or tactical objectives (LIMITED)
  • disclosure of information has serious implications for long-term strategic objectives or jeopardizes the very existence of the organization (PROHIBITED)

CONFIDENTIAL paper information may require e.g. the following protections:

  • Locked cabinet
  • Trusted transfer partner
  • Sealed envelopes
  • Safe disposal process

CONFIDENTIAL electronic information may require e.g. the following protections:

  • Use the selected encryption level
  • Password protection
  • Safe disposal process
  • More limited access rights
Documentation of data and metadata for designated datatypes
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

ID.AM-07: Inventory of data and metadata
NIST 2.0
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Documentation of data and metadata for designated datatypes
1. Task description

Organization maintains a list of the designated data types of interest that could include for example:

  • Personally identifiable information
  • Protected health information
  • Financial account numbers
  • Organization intellectual property
  • Operational technology data

And tracks and documents metadata, of each instance of these designated data types like:

  • Provenance
  • Data owner
  • Geolocation

The organizations can also continuously discover and analyze ad hoc data to identify new instances of these designated data types.

Definitions and instructions on information classifications
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

8.2.1: Classification of information
ISO 27001
8.2.2: Labelling of information
ISO 27001
12.1.1: Documented operating procedures
ISO 27001
HAL-04.4: Suojattavat kohteet - merkitseminen
5.13: Labelling of information
ISO 27001
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Definitions and instructions on information classifications
1. Task description

The ways in which information is classified and classifications marked are defined, markings are easily identifiable and they cover both physical and electronic information and assets. The marking must indicate to what extent the document is to be kept secret and on what basis the secrecy is based. Personnel are instructed on how to make markings.

Data classification for offices and physical data assets
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

3.7: Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme
CIS 18
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Data classification for offices and physical data assets
1. Task description

In addition to the records, the organization has also classified the sites and physical assets based on the criticality of the information they process.

Lakisääteisten vaatimusten huomiointi tietoluokitteluun liittyvissä merkinnöissä
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

HAL-04.4: Suojattavat kohteet - merkitseminen
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Lakisääteisten vaatimusten huomiointi tietoluokitteluun liittyvissä merkinnöissä
1. Task description

Tiedon merkitsemistapojen pitää kattaa sekä fyysisessä että sähköisessä muodossa olevat tiedot ja niihin liittyvä suojattava omaisuus kuten tietovälineet.

Merkintöjen olisi oltava organisaation määrittelemien luokitteluperiaatteiden mukaisia ja helposti tunnistettavia. Organisaation olisi ohjeistettava, mihin ja miten merkinnät kiinnitetään. Ohjeistuksessa tulee ottaa huomioon myös tulosteet. Lisäksi tarpeettoman työn säästämiseksi kannattaa ohjeistaa, milloin merkintöjä ei tarvita.

Tietyissä tapauksissa, kuten esimerkiksi julkisuuslain mukaisista salassa pitoa koskevista merkinnöistä tulee myös käydä ilmi, miltä osin asiakirja on salassa pidettävä sekä mihin salassapito perustuu.

Defining and implementing masking for confidential data
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

8.11: Data masking
ISO 27001
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Defining and implementing masking for confidential data
1. Task description

Organization must determine the situations in which the protection of personal data or other confidential data is particularly important, and if necessary implement the hiding of such data using suitably strong methods, for example using masking, pseudonymization or anonymization.

In addition to anonymization and pseudonymization, possible techniques that can be used include:

  • encryption
  • resetting or deleting characters
  • changing values
  • replacing values with hashes
Marking of equipment that needs safe disposal
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

8.2.2: Labelling of information
ISO 27001
8.3.2: Disposal of media
ISO 27001
TEK-21: Sähköisessä muodossa olevien tietojen tuhoaminen
5.13: Labelling of information
ISO 27001
CC6.5: Discontinuation of logical physical protections when no longer required
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Marking of equipment that needs safe disposal
1. Task description

There are agreed procedures for identifying and marking media that require safe disposal.

Review of data classification procedures
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

8.2.3: Handling of assets
ISO 27001
3.7: Establish and Maintain a Data Classification Scheme
CIS 18
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Review of data classification procedures
1. Task description

The functionality and consistency of the data classification is regularly reviewed in the organization as a whole.

The principles of data classification should be consistent throughout the organization so that everyone has a common understanding of security requirements and equally critical protection is applied to equally critical information.

Identification of confidential information
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Management of data sets
Data classification

Examples of other requirements this task affects

C1.1: Identification and maintainment of confidental information
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Identification of confidential information
1. Task description

The organization must have a procedure for identifying new datasets containing confidential information during their reception or creation phase.

A retention period must be set for datasets containing confidential information, after which the data is deleted or archived.

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