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13 §

Tietoaineistojen ja tietojärjestelmien tietoturvallisuus

ISO 27001

Tietoturvavaatimusten analysointi ja määrittely

ISO 27001

Sovelluspalveluiden suojaaminen julkisissa verkoissa

ISO 27001

Turvallisen järjestelmäsuunnittelun periaatteet

ISO 27001

Application security requirements


Ohjelmistoilla toteutettavat pääsynhallintatoteutukset


Integrity checking

Other tasks from the same security theme

General rules for the procurement of data systems


Whenever new data systems are acquired, a pre-defined procurement process and rules are followed. The rules ensure that the supplier is able to guarantee an adequate level of security, taking into account the priority of the system.

4 luku, 13 §: Tietoaineistojen ja tietojärjestelmien tietoturvallisuus
14.1.1: Information security requirements analysis and specification
ISO 27001
5.23: Information security for use of cloud services
ISO 27001
7.2 (MIL1): Manage Third-Party Risk

Comprehensiveness of contractual terms for cloud service provisioning


Agreement between a cloud service provider and the organization must include requirements for protecting the organization's data and the availability of services, e.g. in the following ways:

  • providing a solution based on generally accepted architecture and infrastructure standards in the industry
  • managing access rights to meet organizational requirements
  • implementing malware control and protection solutions
  • processing and storage of the organization's sensitive data in approved locations (e.g. a certain country or legislative area)
  • providing support in the event of a data security breach
  • ensuring that the organization's data security requirements are met also in subcontracting chains
  • li>providing support in the collection of digital evidence
  • providing sufficient support when the organization wants to terminate the use of the service
  • required backup and secure management of backups, where applicable
  • information owned by the organization (possibly, e.g. source code, data filled/created for the service) restored upon request or when the service ends
  • notification requirement in relation to significant changes (such as infrastructure, important features, information location or use by subcontractors)
5.23: Information security for use of cloud services
ISO 27001

Hankitun järjestelmän koodin tarkistettavuus (ST III-II)


Kaikki hankitun palvelun/sovelluksen/järjestelmän turvallisuuteen oleellisesti vaikuttava koodi on tarkastettavissa (esim. mahdolliset takaportit, turvattomat toteutukset).

I13: Ohjelmistoilla toteutettavat pääsynhallintatoteutukset

Security rules for the development and acquisition of data systems


Whenever new data systems are acquired or developed, pre-defined security rules are followed, taking into account the priority of the system. The rules ensure that adequate measures are taken to ensure the security of the data and data processing in the system.

I13: Ohjelmistoilla toteutettavat pääsynhallintatoteutukset
4 luku, 13 §: Tietoaineistojen ja tietojärjestelmien tietoturvallisuus
14.1.1: Information security requirements analysis and specification
ISO 27001
14.1.2: Securing application services on public networks
ISO 27001
14.2.5: Secure system engineering principles
ISO 27001

Criteria for suppliers of high priority data systems


The organization has defined the certifications or standards required of key partners. Commonly recognized standards related to cyber security include:

  • ISO 27001 (information security management system)
  • SOC2 (general security, also called SSAE 16)
  • ISO 27701 (data protection management system)
  • ISO 27017 (cyber security in cloud services) or ISO 27018 (data protection in cloud services)
  • other popular e.g. NIST (general), CSA (cloud software), PCI DSS (card payments and data)

Certifications required from partners can make organization's own partner management more efficient and provide good evidence of a particular level of security or privacy of the partner.

15.1.1: Information security policy for supplier relationships
ISO 27001
14.1.1: Information security requirements analysis and specification
ISO 27001
15.2.1: Monitoring and review of supplier services
ISO 27001
ID.SC-1: Cyber supply chain
ID.SC-4: Audit suppliers and third-party partners

Requiring a system description from suppliers of important information systems to be acquired


Organization must ensure in advance that the acquired data systems are secure. In order to ensure this, the supplier of the important data system to be acquired must be required to provide sufficient security-related clarifications already at the procurement stage.

The supplier must clarify at least the following:

  • There is a system description of the service. Based on the description of the service provider, you must be able to assess the general suitability of the service in question for the customer's use case. The system description must show at least
  • The service and implementation models of the service, as well as the related service level agreements (Service Level Agreements, SLAs).
  • The principles of the life cycle (development, use, decommissioning) of service provision procedures and security measures, including control measures.
  • Description of the infrastructure, network and system components used in the development, maintenance/management and use of the service.
  • Principles and practices of change management, especially processes for handling changes affecting security.
  • Processing processes for significant events deviating from normal use, for example operating procedures in case of significant system failures.
  • Role and division of responsibilities related to the provision and use of the service between the customer and the service provider. The description must clearly show the actions that are the customer's responsibility in ensuring the safety of the service. The service provider's responsibilities must include the obligation to cooperate, especially in the investigation of abnormal situations.
  • Functions transferred or outsourced to subcontractors.
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System portfolio management and proactive design of portfolio


Determined system portfolio management means a clear picture of the organization's system as a whole, the benefits of different systems and future needs.

The aim of system portfolio management is to achieve e.g.:

  • efficiency benefits by understanding the whole and e.g. the possibilities of integrations
  • eliminate duplication
  • save on unnecessary licensing costs
  • control the number of suppliers
  • facilitate staff guidance
14.1.1: Information security requirements analysis and specification
ISO 27001

Data processing agreement analysis for most important system providers


The processing agreement binds the actions of the data processor (such as the system vendor).

It can be important for us to ensure an important partner takes responsibility of e.g. access control (logging) and data recovery at the end of the contract according to our preferred policies.

28. Processor
15.1.2: Addressing security within supplier agreements
ISO 27001
14.1.1: Information security requirements analysis and specification
ISO 27001
5.19: Information security in supplier relationships
ISO 27001