Organisation must maintain a listing of used data systems and their owners. Owner is responsible for completing the related documentation and possible other security actions directly related to the data system.
Data system documentation must include at least:
Organisation has a process to review and approve software before installation or use. Process includes at least:
This process should include the selection of special purpose software e.g. maintenance tools.
The organization should have defined guidelines for the generally acceptable use of data systems and for the management of the necessary credentials.
In addition, the owners of data systems classified as 'High' or 'Critical' priority can define, document, and implement more specific guidelines for the use of that particular data system. These guidelines can describe e.g. security requirements related to the data contained in the system.
Organization must define (in addition to more detailed practices regarding supplier responsibilities, incidents and the procurement of cloud services) the general principles for managing information security risks related to the use of cloud services.
Principles must take into account e.g.:
The organization strengthens service provider management by developing a classification framework based on role, criticality, and access to sensitive data, maintaining a detailed inventory, and conducting regular assessments and due diligence. Continuous monitoring of performance and compliance, clear decommissioning procedures, and regular policy updates ensure alignment with security requirements, organizational goals, and the evolving threat landscape.
The organization enhances security by deploying dedicated workstations and virtual desktop infrastructure for administrative tasks, employing network segmentation, restricting internet access, implementing strict access controls, and using hardened operating systems.
The organization has implemented a risk-based remediation strategy that prioritizes actions based on impact, is documented for consistency, undergoes monthly reviews for effectiveness, allocates resources efficiently based on risk assessments, and engages stakeholders for comprehensive support.
The organization has enhanced account management and security by implementing a central directory service with integrated single sign-on, standardized provisioning, centralized access control, and improved audit and reporting capabilities.
The organization has instituted automatic account monitoring and deactivation processes with a 45-day inactivity threshold, complemented by regular reviews and user notifications prior to deactivation, ensuring effective account management and security policy adherence.
The organization has implemented a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool that monitors sensitive data across all enterprise assets, including remote ones, integrates with data inventory systems for real-time tracking, generates alerts for unauthorized data actions, and undergoes regular audits to ensure its effectiveness.
The organization has developed data management framework by classifying data sensitivity levels, segregating processing environments, implementing strict access controls, and establishing detailed handling protocols, all of which are regularly reviewed.
The organization has developed an asset management strategy that involves comprehensive and regularly updated inventories of all physical, virtual, remote, and cloud-connected assets. The asset management strategy includes external assets, utilizing automated tracking tools to ensure accuracy and compliance with data protection regulations.
The organization ensures that authorized software is supported by:
Organization defines processes and means to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data in use. These processes can include for example:
Software products should only be downloaded from the provider’s official website (only via HTTPS). This ensures the integrity and legitimacy of the software. The organisation should keep all installation software in file folders that only those responsible for software installation have write access to.
When performing maintenance on ICT products, physical provider access should be regulated and monitored.
Organisations should have a clear plan detailing how phase-outs are managed. This plan should include, e.g., the processes involved and how transition to a new product is handled.
If the ICT product doesn't have the recent security functions and protocols, it shouldn't be used and should be phased out.
Phase-outs should be planned in advance, before the provider drops product support, to ensure the use of the latest security functions and protocols. For example, some older applications might have the latest security functions, but do not work well with newer exploit protections. In this scenario, exceptions should be made to avoid deactivating the protection entirely, but it is essential to remember that the phase-out process is likely to be relevant in the near future.
After the phase-out, it is important to evaluate the processes and document the lessons learned for the future.
Map the flow of information between work processes, users, devices and services. This mapping helps the organisation to understand the flow of information better.
Design the ICT system using ICT products which integrate well. This means that:
Design the ICT system using ICT products which integrate well. This means that:
Establish and maintain a comprehensive security architecture. The following functionality should be implemented into the ICT system:
Ensure the security of connections with external systems by verifying and documenting them in formal agreements. Review current connections with their security measures, within documented agreements such as:
The organisation must have a defined requirements for conducting audits on IT systems or for a service conducting the audit. In addition the following must be taken into account:
Organisation should:
The organization maintains documentation of interfaces and other connections between data system and the data transmission methods used in the interfaces.
The documentation concerning the interfaces shall be reviewed regularly and after significant changes to data systems.
The organization shall regularly review the technical compliance of the data systems with the organization's requirements.
The reviews may use manual implementation by experienced professionals or automated tools (including intrusion testing).
Technical reviews shall always be planned and carried out by competent and pre-approved staff.
The organisation must make sure unnecessary software like application, system utilities and network services are removed.
The organisation has to make sure that all of it’s licensed software are:
Critical admin operations mean operations where a failure can cause unrecoverable damage to assets in the cloud computing environment.
Critical admin operations may include e.g. changes related to virtualized devices (e.g. servers, networks, storage), termination procedures, backup and restoration.
If a data system includes regular critical admin operations, these are documented. Also the procedures for carrying out critical admin operations are documented beforehand in needed detail for all utilized data systems.
Whenever a critical admin operation is carried out, a supervisor named in the documentation monitors the operation.
The organization utilizes the principle of least functionality in deploying and configuring systems. Systems must not have rights to anything that is not needed to accomplish what they are intended for.
The organization must utilize mechanisms like:
Olennaisilla tietojärjestelmillä tarkoitetaan sellaisia tietojärjestelmiä, jotka ovat kriittisiä viranomaisen lakisääteisten tehtäviä toteuttamisen kannalta erityisesti hallinnon asiakkaille palveluja tuotettaessa.
Toiminnallisella käytettävyydellä tarkoitetaan tietojärjestelmän käyttäjän kannalta sen varmistamista, että tietojärjestelmä on helposti opittava ja käytössä sen toimintalogiikka on helposti muistettava, sen toiminta tukee niitä työtehtäviä, joita käyttäjän pitää tehdä tietojärjestelmällä ja tietojärjestelmä edistää sen käytön virheettömyyttä.
Orgaisaation on myös varmistettava digitaalisten palveluiden saavutettavuus lainsäädännön edellyttämässä laajuudessa:
Saavutettavuus tarkoittaa sitä, että mahdollisimman moni erilainen ihminen voi käyttää verkkosivuja ja mobiilisovelluksia mahdollisimman helposti. Saavutettavuus on ihmisten erilaisuuden ja moninaisuuden huomiointia verkkosivujen ja mobiilisovelluksien suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Saavutettavan digipalvelun suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa pitää huomioida kolme osa-aluetta: tekninen toteutus, helppokäyttöisyys ja sisältöjen selkeys ja ymmärrettävyys.
Tietojärjestelmiin ja verkkoihin liittyvää turvallisuusdokumentaatiota ylläpidetään ja sitä kehitetään jatkuvasti tärkeänä osana yleistä muutostenhallintaprosessia.
The organization must ensure the availability of information systems throughout their entire lifecycle. For this reason, the availability requirements of different information systems (especially the maximum time a system can be out of service, recovery time objective, and recovery point objective) must be met.
The implementation of availability requirements must take into account the load endurance, fault tolerance, and recovery time required from the information system.
Additionally, the need for procedures that protect availability has been identified, and procedures have been implemented with customized protections for critical systems. These protections may include, for example, redundancy of key network connections, hardware, and application execution environments.
Jos palvelulla on saatavuus vaatimuksia, seurataan sen saatavuutta valvontajärjestelmällä. Valvontajärjestelmän tulee lähettää hälyttää havaitusta saatavuuspoikkeamista.
Käsiteltäessä samalla varmistusjärjestelmällä eri omistajien tietoja, tarkastusoikeuden mahdollistavat erottelumenettelyt on toteutettava varmistusjärjestelmän liittymien ja tallennemedioiden osalta (esim. omistaja-/hankekohtaiset eri avaimilla salatut nauhat, joita säilytetään asiakaskohtaisissa kassakaapeissa/kassakaappilokeroissa).
Reviews and other verification actions e.g. during audits, that target data systems, must be planned in advance and agreed with the appropriate testers and management. This aims to minimize the impact of actions on operational processes.
When planning practices, the following points must be taken into account:
The organization's information systems and hardware are comprehensively covered by systems management. Through system management, it is possible to e.g. automatic updates.
To demonstrate compliance with certain obligations, the competent national authority, NIS, may impose organizations to use categories of ICT products, ICT services, and ICT processes developed by essential or important entities or purchased from third parties, provided they are certified under the European cybersecurity certification systems.
The competent national authority, NIS, also promotes the use of qualified trust services by organizations.
Organisations should have a clear plan detailing how phase-outs are managed. This plan should include, e.g., the processes involved and how transition to a new product is handled.
If the ICT product doesn't have the recent security functions and protocols, it shouldn't be used and should be phased out.
Phase-outs should be planned in advance, before the provider drops product support, to ensure the use of the latest security functions and protocols. For example, some older applications might have the latest security functions, but do not work well with newer exploit protections. In this scenario, exceptions should be made to avoid deactivating the protection entirely, but it is essential to remember that the phase-out process is likely to be relevant in the near future.
After the phase-out, it is important to evaluate the processes and document the lessons learned for the future.
On average, the IT administrator estimates that staff use about 50 cloud services when the actual number is 1,000. Many of these are important for staff productivity and are used outside the organization’s network, so firewall rules do not solve the challenge.
Systems that focus on identifying and managing cloud services allow you to identify the cloud services used by your staff and monitor users of different services. This helps e.g.:
The organization must ensure that information systems are installed, maintained and updated only by personnel who have the necessary skills and expertise. In addition, the role and responsibilities of the person who installs, maintains and updates information systems must be described in relation to the organization and the producer of the information system.
Inspections and re-inspections regarding information security are important to be performed periodically during the normal operation of the data processing environment, in connection with maintenance procedures and when exceptional situations occur.
The organization has defined the time limits and events according to which information security inspections are performed.