Improving translations - How you can help to develop Cyberday

We invite everyone to help us improve the translations!

We invite everyone to help us improve the translations!

Cyberday has a new feature that makes it easier for our users to help us improve the user experience. This feature enables our users easier way to report curiosities and translation errors in machine translated versions. Let's dive into this new feature:

How do you know if you can leave a translation request

When clicking the language tab on Cyberday platform,  you can easily see which languages are machine translated, and where the translation assistance feature can be used. Some language versions have been verified by our team, in these cases the feature will be unavailable. But if you find curiosities in verified fixes, we are always happy to receive them through email to, or through the chat on the bottom right corner.

You can see from icons, which languages are machine-translated

For languages where you can improve translations, you will see a "improve translations" button under the language selection for the language you are using.

How to create translation improvement

If you find oddities, misspellings or other translation errors in Cyberday's texts, you can simply click on the "improve translations" button in the left menu. The button will turn green, and the text "Improve translations mode ON" will appear. Then, select the text you want to improve by highlighting it with the cursor.

Example of translation improvement pop up window.

After you've chosen the part that needs translating, a pop up window will open up. Pop up will ask type of issue and correction for the faulty translation. Please write the whole highlighted part on the correction seen on the left column, so we can also do the repair properly. If you recognize for example, that the same translation flaw is repeating, or the translation needs explaining, you can leave a free comment alongside the translation.

Our team will check the sent form and correct mistranslations. We might also contact you for further information if necessary.

Questions and feedback

Do you have any further questions, would like another help article or would like to give some feedback? Please contact our team via or the chat box in the right lower corner.


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