You can use Cyberday directly in your familiar Teams environment. You can do so by following the below listed instructions. Either you can try out Cyberday for 14 days free of charge or do a subscription right away. You won't need any credit card or payment information for the trial, we do not start billing you automatically after the 14 days are over. If you choose not to continue with Cyberday, your account including all of the information collected in it will be deleted after three months. If you would like to continue with Cyberday, you can do a subscription directly in the app and continue with the work you have done during the trial.
1. Downloading Cyberday app from Teams app store
The link to the Teams app store is at the bottom left corner of the Teams app, the button “apps”.

Type "Cyberday" into the search bar.

When you open the app card and the app hasn’t been added yet you can see the button “add”.

After clicking the add button it will take just a few seconds, and the app will appear in the left sidebar.
The app is now only added to your personal Teams environment. Others have to add it themselves or Distribute the app to large groups using Teams admin. Read more about managing the Cyberday Teams app as an admin here.
2. Creating a Cyberday account
Open the Cyberday app and click the“Organization Dashboard” tab.
Every user verifies their identity easily using the Microsoft365 credentials when arriving to the Cyberday app for the first time. You can find more information about the app permissions here.

The app will then respond to the status of your Teams environment. The first user will see the next page where either a new Cyberday account will be created (for new Cyberday users) or connect the Teams environment to existing Cyberday account (for those who have used Cyberday already).
The "For existing Cyberday customers(?)" option on the right will only be active if we identify you as your current administrator.
The following users will no longer see this step, but will be directly linked with your organization's account.
Technical Note - The organization is identified by both the “Teams-id” and the user domain. So if you use a shared 365 environment with more than one domain, but you have different domains in your emails, you will be properly identified as different organizations from the point of view of the Cyberday.
3. Invite other users
The user can join in two different ways - by downloading the application itself and requesting access, or by setting up a user account via an email invitation from the administrator.
This is how your colleague can join on his own
You can instruct a colleague to download the Teams app and request access to the account you set up. Your colleague should:
- Download the Cyberday app (detailed instructions above)
- Go to the application, click on the "Organization Desktop" tab and Sign in with Microsoft365 IDs
- You will see the following message
- Click "Request Access"

The current administrator should confirm the access request on the "Organization Dashboard" tab as follows.
- Click on "Settings"
- Go to "Pending Access Requests"
- Please check the email address of the requester
- Click "Accept Request"
Your colleague is now part of the Cyberday core team and sees the same content on the "Organization Dashboard" tab.
Invite users via email
Where to find this view: Dashboard -> Organization name drop down -> settings -> user management
To send an email invitation from the Organization Desktop tab, follow these steps:
- Go to Settings
- Click on "User management"
- Go to the form on the bottom of the card titled "Invite a new user"
- Fill in the user email and user level, then click "Invite"

Tip: Leave the section "Send email and allow access" unchecked, if you'd like to first silently add a user and e.g. delegate a few items for them. You can later come back to user management and select "Send invite" from the right menu on the corresponding user's row on the table.
The user you invited will receive the following message in the email.
After clicking "Confirm Request and Join Workspace", the user will be instructed to fill in some more basic information (name, phone number) and then download the Teams application.
After downloading the Teams application, the user has immediate access to the "Organization Dasboard" tab.