Available frameworks

How to enable and disable frameworks, and what frameworks Cyberday has.

Cyberday offers a comprehensive library of parallel mapped frameworks. The different frameworks are designed to provide your organization with a structured and standardized approach to cyber security, helping to identify and handle potential threats and vulnerabilities while building your agile ISMS in Cyberday. The parallel mapping of our frameworks allows an easy check of the current compliance level even before activating a new framework and integration with other frameworks, enabling you to customize your cyber security approach to fit your organization's unique requirements.

We're adding new frameworks constantly with the following information available for you to decide if this framework is a good fit for you:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Framework size
  • Keywords

Enabling and disabling frameworks

  1. Click "Frameworks" from Dashboard
  2. Select the correct framework
  3. Switch the status on the right side to Active / Inactive

You can activate and deactivate as many frameworks as you would like to at any point.

Enabling a framework will highlight the tasks, guidelines and documentation, which are connected to the requirements of this framework. You can see the current compliant level of each framework even before activating it. This allows you to see within seconds if a new framework will be rather a lot of new work or might even be done relatively fast due to a lot of overlapping. Some frameworks also have custom reports.

Disabling a framework will not delete any of your done work. It simply will hide tasks again until you decide to activate those/the framework again. The content that you have been working with already will not be hidden, but stay visible for you, even after deactivating the related framework.

Examples for our currently available frameworks are:

We are having constantly growing list of frameworks. You can see all current and upcoming frameworks on our framework section of the website.

Core - Cyber Security Core

Protect your core business. Without these cyber essentials it's very hard to promise your customers that their data is safe.

Digital - Foundations for Digital Growth

This framework is valid when you're looking to invest on digital but don't pursue certification on short term. It expands the basics covered by Core framework.

GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

GDPR sets out the requirements for lawful processing of personal data and demonstrating the adequate protection of data.

ISO27 - ISO 27001/27002:2013 and 2022 version

ISO 27001 framework includes a comprehensive list of security requirements covering all aspects of securing information. This framework is split into three different stages in Cyberday to make your work easier. If you are just getting started or would simply like to improve your cyber security level in general, you can start by activating the framework core. Once the tasks of the core are done, you can activate the next part at any time.

However, if you are aiming for the ISO 27001 certification, you have to comply with the full version of the framework. You can still start by activating first the core part and later one the other two parts, but you still need to do the compliance work for all three parts/the full version.

...and many more. Read more about the selection here.


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