Thanks to our constantly growing framework library in Cyberday, our customers can stay up to date with the latest best practices and regulations and feel confident that they are taking the necessary steps to protect their business in improve their cyber security efficiently.
Current frameworks and affecting the upcoming ones
The Cyberday team believes that your opinion as our customers is the key to success, which is why we actively encourage your participation in the choice of our frameworks, as well as the development of Cyberday. As part of our commitment to providing the best possible service, we have implemented a feature that allows you to vote for our upcoming cyber security frameworks directly in Cyberday. We understand that every business is unique, and therefore has specific needs when it comes to cyber security. By allowing you to vote for your desired frameworks, we can ensure that Cyberday remains relevant to your specific requirements.
Framework types in the library
You can find all of the available and upcoming frameworks on our website or directly in Cyberday. In the Cyberday app, select "Edit Frameworks" in the Organization Dashboard and you will see the list of all of the currently available frameworks opening. Frameworks in our library that have been voted into the category "content in creation" will be published within the following weeks. The frameworks, which are "next in queue" are intended to be published within the following months. You can have an impact on the order of which one will be worked on next by voting for your favourite in the queue.
Published frameworks
Where to find this view: Dashboard -> Organization name drop down -> Frameworks
Our published frameworks are the ones, which are available for you in Cyberday already. You can simply activate those in your framework selection in the organization dashboard and start working with them right away.

Upcoming frameworks
We have different stages of upcoming frameworks. The stage of the framework decides the time needed before it will be available. For the catagories "Next in the queue" and "backlog", you can vote, so you can impact which one we will work on next for you.
Content in creation
Under the tab "content in creation", you will find more information about the frameworks, which are already in progress and will be published within the upcoming weeks. Those simply need a little bit more of your patience, but will soon be available for you in the framework selection from your organization dashboard.
Next in the queue
The frameworks you can find under "next in the queue" are the ones we have gotten requests for already, and therefore we have decided to add them to Cyberday within the upcoming months. You can impact the time frame slightly by voting for your framework of choice.
The frameworks in the backlog have been mentioned before, but have not yet been added to our current to-do list. If you would like to work with one of the in the backlog listed frameworks, please make sure to vote for it (see instructions below), so we will move it to our queue. If you have additional suggestions for the backlog, please feel free to contact our team via
Voting for new frameworks
We have two different categories for new frameworks. The first category is about the frameworks, which already have been requested several times and therefore will be prepared for the use in Cyberday within the upcoming months. However, you can impact on how soon your desired framework will be available by clicking the thumps up button in Cyberday to vote for it to be processed next.
- Go to the Organization Dashboard
- Click "Edit frameworks"
- Navigate to the tab "Next in the queue"
- Click the thumps up button
- Briefly write why this would be beneficial for you (not mandatory)

You can also vote for frameworks from our backlog (requested frameworks) to push the framework to the upcoming ones, if they get enough votes. Simply navigate to the tab "Backlog" next to "Next in the queue" and vote for the framework of your choice.
Ask for a new framework
If the framework of your interest is in neither of the above. listed categories, you can simply send us your request by clicking "Ask for a new framework" and fill in the information needed. It is always helpful for us to get more information either about the framework itself or why you would like to suggest framework. You can find this feature when you scroll down in our framework selection page.

Questions and feedback?
Do you have any further questions, would need another help article or would like to give some feedback? Please contact our team via or the chat box in the right lower corner.