Sharing and creating new guidelines for employees


Guidelines are one of the main content types in the Cyberday. Tasks may require guidelines for employees.

Activating a guideline

  1. Navigate from the Organisation's Dashboard to the wanted theme
  2. Select "Guidelines"
  3. Complete the training content in the "Training content" field
  4. Set the distribution of the guideline to all or to specific units
On your organisation's dashboard, you will find a menu on the left with the themes and guidelines for each theme
You can set the distribution for all employees or for selected units

Creating your own guideline

  1. Navigate from your organisation's dashboard to the wanted theme
  2. Select "Guidelines"
  3. In the top right corner, select "Add guideline"
  4. Set a category, title, description and owner for the new guideline
  5. Add training content to the guideline in the "Training content" section of the guideline
  6. Set the distribution of the guideline to all or to specific units
The "Add guideline" button can be found on the "Guideline" page of your chosen theme
Fill in the necessary information for the new guideline

The "Show for all" option will apply to all employees in your account.

The "Show for selected units" option means that the guideline will only be targeted to selected units. You will be able to select the units you want after selecting the option. Read more about allocating employees to units.

You can edit existing guidelines using the edit button at the top right of the guideline.

Behind the three dots you can find the "Edit" button
Note! If your organisation needs guidelines in more than one language, you will have to write the self-created and edited tasks in the different languages yourself. The unedited guidelines will be translated into the languages set by the administrator in the settings.

Notifications of guidelines

Notices of guidelines to be read and approved are sent to employees on the first Monday of each month. However, when using Cyberday through Teams you can click the clock icon above the guideline and send the notification immediately.

When using Cyberday through Teams you can find a clock icon showing the date when next notification will be sent

The bot automatically trains the guidelines

Once you have selected to distribute guidelines, the bot will get to work by doing the following:

  • Provides case examples of the consequences of not following the guidelines (optional)
  • Requests confirmation from employees that they have followed the guidelines
  • Organise skills tests for employees when all the guidelines in the topic have been covered (optional)

For guidelines on how to add case examples and skills tests, you can find here

Setting the review cycle

In Cyberday it's possible to set review cycles for guidelines. The guidelines will be reviewed according to the frequency set for users, for example monthly or every six months. Each user has own individual review cycle, i.e. the review cycles starts from the day the guideline is approved.

Setting the review cycle in the settings

  1. Navigate to "Settings" on the Organisation's dashboard
  2. Select "Guidebook settings"
  3. Select "Guideline review interval"
  4. Select the wanted interval
In the Settings under Guidebook settings you will find the section "Guideline review interval"

Review cycle per guideline

The review cycle per guideline is determined by the review cycle defined in the settings. However, it is also possible to change the review cycle per-guideline. This can be done for each guideline in the "Review cycle" section by selecting "Enable custom review interval". Review cycle per guideline can be deactivated.

In the "Review cycle" tab of the guide, you will find the custom review interval for each guideline
A guideline-specific review cycle can be set for example annually, or can be set to "no review"


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