Case examples and skill tests for guidelines

How can you help your employees to better remember and to follow guidelines more carefully? This help article tells more about case examples and skill tests and how to use those in Cyberday.

In Cyberday, you can activate Guidebook extensions to help your employees understand the importance of the guideline in reality, not just on paper. If you would like to read more about the Guidebook-view in general, you can check out this article in our Academy.

In Cyberday, you can benefit from most of our ready-made library guidelines

  • Guidelines to read and accept
  • Guidelines with case examples to read and accept
  • Guidelines with skill tests to do after reading all of the guidelines and case examples of a specific theme

Case examples and skill tests might make it easier for your employees to remember and understand the guideline for a longer time period. By default, Guidebook works in the simple "Mark as accepted" format.

Case examples

Case examples teach the 'Why' behind the guideline.

One simple, but very effective way of helping your employees to understand a guideline better is a case example. This shows a real life situation, in which the guideline would have i.e. prevented a problem situation and therefore should be taken serious. This does not only help the employee to remember a guideline better, but also to follow it more carefully.

If you have activated case examples, you will see a "Read more" button instead of the "Mark as accepted" button for the simple guidelines.

Upper guideline with case examples has "Read more" -button, and lower guideline without case examples has "Mark as accepted" -button

A new window will pop up with the case examples to read before seeing the actual guideline once again and mark it as read and accepted. If you click the "Read more" button, a window will open with the case examples.

After reading the guideline a case example window will pop up
Guidelines and case examples can be mark as read and accepted

Employees still need to mark the guidelines as read and accepted, after reading through the case examples and the guideline itself. Once guideline is marked as read and accepted, it will appear in the same style as guideline and you can see the status "Accepted". When scrolling over the accepted button, you can get more information about when it has been accepted. You can also leave feedback about guideline.

You can leave feedback about guideline

Skill tests

Skill tests are an easy way to test your employees' security competence

Skill tests are short quizzes to activate the learnings of the different topics in the Guidebook. The skill tests are available for the employees after all of the guidelines of a theme in the Guidebook have been marked as read and accepted. There is no "pass" or "fail" for the skill test, as it is purely meant for learning purposes.

Once all of the guidelines of a theme are marked as read and accepted, the link to the skill test questions will appear underneath the headline in the beginning of the theme. Simply click on the link "Start the test" to get to the skill test.

After marking guideline read and accepted, skill test option will become visible

The skill test will include i.e. multiple choice or tick-box questions. There is no time limit for the test. Once all of the questions are answered, click on the "Submit the test" button in the bottom of the skill test.

Skill tests are different kinds of questions

Activating case examples and skill tests

Case examples and skill tests can be enabled in organization's settings under Guidebook settings

  1. Navigate from the organization's dashboard to "Settings"
  2. Expand "Guidebook settings"
  3. Enable case examples and skill tests

Remember to set the guideline review interval and allowed languages for your employee guidebook before leaving the settings.

Case examples and skill tests can be enabled under Guidebook settings

Creating your own case examples and questions

To add your own case examples and skill test questions, simply navigate to the "Training content" tab in the guideline card and click on the button "Add training content".

You can add your own training content
Select "Add case example" and "Add skill test question".

Once you have selected the kind of content you would like to add, you only need to fill in the content and click "Add case example"/"Add skill test question".

Note: Review cycle doesn't reset, if an admin adds or modifies the existing skill test or case study. User will simply get the updated content on the next review cycle.

Editing guidelines

Editing guidelines can be done behind the three dots by selecting "Edit". However, the implementation of the edit depends on whether the guideline has already been distributed.

Editing is straightforward when working on a guideline that is still in preparation.

When editing a guideline that is already distributed and accepted, edits are implemented differently. After editing distributed guidelines, the system will ask if you want to reset the acceptance status. Edits made to the description and title are enabled immediately and will also be implemented in the employee's guidebook.

Edits made to case examples and skill tests are not implemented until the next review cycle. Therefore, when you add case examples and skill tests afterward, they will be visible to the employees in the next review cycle. In other words, case examples and skill tests will be visible the next time employees are required to read the guidelines again.

"Edit" selection can be found behind three dots
After making edits to distributed guidelines the system will ask if you want to reset acceptance status

List of all guidelines

When you navigate to the "Guidelines" tab in the menu on the left from your organisation dashboard, you can find a list of all of the guidelines you have created for your employees. The list will show you an overview of the guideline, the theme it belongs to, to whom it is shown and the acceptance rate.

TIp! If you don't see "Guidelines", select "More" first. You can use pinning.

All guidelines can be found from the left menu behind selection "Guidelines"

Once you click on one of the guidelines, you can find the tab "Training content".

For most of our ready-made library guidelines, we have ready-to-use case examples and skill test questions available. For the ones we don't yet have content available you can add your own case examples and skill test questions.

You can also create your own content for the guidelines for which we have content available too. To activate available case examples and skill test questions, move the slider underneath to the right, so it says "active".

Training content can be added from the training content -tab

Guideline acceptance levels

You can see the progress of your employees with the reading and the acceptance of the guidelines behind "Employee guidelines"

You will see a table with the activity of the employees and on the right side of the table, you can see how many guidelines each employee has, how many the employee has already accepted, if the employee left any comments or feedback and how many guidelines still are open to be read.

Employee guidelines can be found from the left menu

Information about the skill tests can be found Behind the tab "Skill test results" in the left menu.. You can see the status, how many skill tests have been finished, how the average of the results has been (in %) in the past and you can even see the exact results of the skill test "by clicking on "Show results").

Skill test results can be found from the left menu

Questions and feedback

Do you have any further questions, would need another help article or would like to give some feedback? Please contact our team via or the chat box in the right lower corner.


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