Tasks are one of the main content types in Cyberday. Tasks that need to be done can be viewed from the framework report of the active frameworks, the framework page or from the task lists under the themes.
Activating a task in a policy:
Dashboard -> Theme of your choice -> Policy of your choice
- Choose the right theme from dashboard and click it
- Once you have clicked on a theme, you will see a list with policies. You can also select if you would lke to see a list of all tasks, documentation, reports or guidelines instead.
- Click on a policy you would like to activate a task for.
The policies are showing you which frameworks they are linked to, who is listed as an owner in the policy, how the progress of the tasks is (activated and compliant), the assurance level and if the policy requires some attention (i.e. an overdue date, shown by the red triangle).
Once the policy is opened, you can see the activated tasks in a prioritised list. You can click to edit the active tasks or scroll down to find the non-active ones.

If you would like to activate a new task, scroll down and click "Add to policy". In case a task is not relevant to your organisation, you can also mark that. Once you have activated the task, it will jump to the active tasks with taking into consideration its priority compared to other active tasks.

Editing tasks
On the right side next to the task field, you can activate and then click the "edit task" button. You will be able to select an owner, who will get the task shown in his taskbook as well then, provide more information of the current status of the task, the priority/criticality of the task (which has a pre-defined level in Cyberday, which you can adapt if needed) and set a due date of the task.
Fill in the information required, which can include:
- process description
- documentation
- guidelines (You can read more about our guidelines here.)
- review cycle
- other assurance options
Read more about editing a task in our taskbook instruction guide Academy article.
We always recommend to set a periodic review cycle for each task, as there may be some changes over time and the task needs to be updated. You can also always add more assurance either right away or later on in your progress. Simply click "Done editing" once you are done with the task for the moment before you return to the dashboard.
Structure of the tasks
Each task has a very basic structure based on three tabs: "Task overview", "Implementation" and "Log and comments". When opening the task list from the policy directly, you will see the task overview part sown by default. You can get the requirement text shown on the card, if needed, by clicking on the three dots next to "Add task" and selecting "Show requirement text on card". If you click "Edit task", you can easily access the other tabs as well.

Task overview
The task overview gives you a summary about the task, which requirements and of which frameworks the task is connected to and the connected risks to this task, including the risk level.

Implementation of the task
The "Implementation of the task" tab of the task is the place, where the work is happening. Here, you are selecting an owner, a due date, review the priority and add assurance. In the following paragraphs, you will learn more about how to work in this tab of the task card.
Setting a task owner
Once a task is activated, it will automatically have the theme owner assigned as the task owner. You can manually change the owner of each task by editing the task and selecting a new owner from the drop-down on the left in the task card. Each user will see tasks assigned for them on their taskbook. Read more about our taskbook instruction guide here.

Assurance options
There are a few different assurance options to demonstrate completion of the task:
- Most tasks require a task description that describes the implementation of the actions required by the task
- The task may require completing a documentation list
- The task may require adding and distributing guidelines
- The task may require the linking of a system - i.e. a security system (you can select the security systems in use from the list)
In addition, you can add additional assurances to the task yourself, if necessary, by selecting "More assurance options" in the assurance section when editing the task:

The additional assurance will help you to strengthen your overall assurance level of the task. You can see the assurance level from the Cyberday logo next to the headline of the task.

Log and comments
The third tab of a task card is the log of the task. In this tab you can see the log of all events related to this task. You can also make notes and leave comments for your colleges. If you want a college to get notified about your comment, simply use "@College X" to mention your college directly in the comment. The tabs allow you to see i.e. only the log of the edits, comments or i.e. after reviews the review log. Note: If there haven't been any comments or reviews, those tabs will be greyed out. They will be activated as soon as some events of the specific type have happened. When making a comment, you can also select the type of the comment by marking the most suitable check box on top of the writing field (i.e. mark "improvement idea" if your comment is about an improvement idea).

Questions and feedback
Do you have any further questions, would need another help article or would like to give some feedback? Please contact our team via team@cyberday.ai or the chat box in the right lower corner.