Posting, replies and notifications in Community

This article goes through the basics of taking part in the Cyberday community.

This article goes through the basics of taking part in the Cyberday community.

Posting a question

Where to find this view: Dashboard -> More -> Community drop down -> Support forum

Posting in the Support forum:

Where to find this view: Dashboard -> More -> Collaboration groups
  1. Click "Support forum" from left menu
  2. Click "Post question" from top right corner
  3. Create your post title and description (see pic below)
  4. Select to post publicly or anonymously
  5. Link possible framework sections (if relevant)
  6. Post your question

Posting in Collaboration groups:

To be able to post to a collaboration group, you will first need to be a member of the group. This process differs according to the group type.

  1. Open the correct group from left menu
  2. Click "Start discussion" from top right corner
  3. Create your post title and description (see pic below)
  4. Select to post publicly or anonymously
  5. Link possible framework sections (if relevant)
  6. Post your question

Details about anonymous posting

When posting anonymously, you can select yourself an avatar. Pick any avatar, the one that seems fun for you. 🙂

Your avatar will be retained, so if you will have lenghtier discussions, other people can see when a reply is coming probably from the same person.

In addition to your avatar, anonymous posting will show top-level info about your organization, i.e. industry and organization size. This is just to give some context for your reply - some things in information security differ very heavily on small vs. large organizations and also depending on the industry.

Replying / commenting posts

You can reply to the original forum or collaboration group post, news item or a reply from other community member.

To create a reply, click the Reply-button visible on the proper section you'd like to reply to.

Notifications in the Community

By default you're always notified immediately, when a post you originally wrote gets a new reply.

If you're acting as an admin of a collaboration group, you will also be notified about new posts in the group and new applications to join the collaboration group.

You will receive notifications on your organization's Cyberday channel, which can be Microsoft Teams, Slack or email (if neither app is in use).


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