Sharing reports and report collections

This help article is showing how to share reports and how to create and share report collections

This is a guideline how to share reports and report collections in Cyberday using web version. If you are using Cyberday in Teams, please read how to share reports in Teams.

Sharing reports

In Cyberday reports are summaries of data that can be distributed in read-only format for admins and core team members utilizing report collections. In this way, for example, certain clear summaries or single items can be distributed to auditors or own top management

In Cyberday, reports are aggregations of information that can be shared in read-only format outside the end users and the core team, if necessary.

Reports can be shared in Cyberday in a number of ways, for example, they can be printed, or exported as a PDF. You can also distribute reports to staff via the Guidebook.

Report collection

Report collections can be used to e.g. gather together important reports to share for your auditor or top management, without granting them more extensive rights to the ISMS.

Reports can easily be shared several at a time using report collections. Report collections can be used to distribute certain clear sets of reports to, for example, an auditor or your own management team. A report collection can be used to select several reports to be distributed, for example based on requirements frameworks or by picking reports.

Report collections are visible to anyone with an account in the user management. When you create a report collection, these reports will be displayed on a separate new tab. Everyone can access the report collections from the new tab.

Create a new report collection

New report collection is created like this:

  1. Navigate to the reporting-tab from the menu of the left side of the dashboard
  2. Click “New report collection”
  3. Choose your method
    • By choosing a framework
    • By picking your reports
  4. Name the report collection
A button for "New report collection" can be found on the top right corner
Reports can be shared by frameworks or by picking reports
The new created report collection will be showed in the top menu.

All users can see the report collections. You can now normally invite users: Read more about user management: inviting and managing other users

Sharing report collections

Report collections will be visible to all users after the report collection has been created. To share a report collection with a person outside the organization, such as an auditor, invite the user through the user management as a external user.

Tip: If you're using multiple languages, remember to set reports language in Reporting -page.

A reporting language can be switched

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