1. Financial entities shall have in place mechanisms to promptly detect anomalous activities, in accordance with
Article 17, including ICT network performance issues and ICT-related incidents, and to identify potential material single points of failure.
All detection mechanisms referred to in the first subparagraph shall be regularly tested in accordance with Article 25.
2. The detection mechanisms referred to in paragraph 1 shall enable multiple layers of control, define alert thresholds and criteria to trigger and initiate ICT-related incident response processes, including automatic alert mechanisms for relevant staff in charge of ICT-related incident response.
3. Financial entities shall devote sufficient resources and capabilities to monitor user activity, the occurrence of ICT anomalies and ICT-related incidents, in particular cyber-attacks.
4. Data reporting service providers shall, in addition, have in place systems that can effectively check trade reports for completeness, identify omissions and obvious errors, and request re-transmission of those reports.
Centrally select and install malware detection and repair programs and update them regularly for preventive or regular scanning of computers and media.
Programs should check at least the following:
The organization has defined a process for addressing identified technical vulnerabilities.
Some vulnerabilities can be fixed directly, but vulnerabilities that have a significant impact should also be documented as security incidents. Once a vulnerability with significant impacts has been identified:
The development of system logs must keep pace with the development of the system and enable, for example, the necessary resolution of incidents. In connection with the data system list, we describe for which systems we are responsible for the implementation of the logging. For these systems, we document:
The organization must devote sufficient resources for monitoring user activity, anomalies in the ICT-environment, and cyber attacks.
By monitoring, the organization should recognize anomalies and incidents from the baseline operations.
Data reporting providers need to have a system to check the completeness, correctness and to identify omissions and other errors in trade report data. The report needs to be re-requested if there are any errors in the data.
Security systems (e.g. firewall, malware protection) often have the ability to record a log of events. At regular intervals, make sure that a comprehensive log is accumulated and try to identify suspicious activity. The log is also useful in investigating disturbances or violations.
Often, security tools provide a way to set alert policies when something potentially dangerous happens in an organization's environment. For example, Microsoft 365 has built-in alert policies to alert you to abuse of administrator privileges, malware, potential internal and external risks, and data security risks.
The organization must identify security-related events in data systems and the environments in which they operate. To respond to changes related to these events, alarm policies must be created.
Alarm policies need to be actively monitored and modified based on experience.
The organization must be aware of the logs that accrue from the use of different data systems, whether generating the logs is the responsibility of the organization or the system provider. Logs record user actions as well as anomalies, errors, and security incidents.
The adequacy of log should be reviewed regularly. If necessary, log should be usable to determine the root causes for system incidents.
Organization must describe the baseline of normal behaviour for the use of network and data systems, which is used as a starting point for identifying anomalies.
When defining the baseline, the following must be taken into account:
Monitoring systems must be configured against the baseline to identify anomalous behavior such as:
System logs often contain a wealth of information, much of which is irrelevant to security monitoring. In order to identify events relevant to security monitoring, consideration should be given to automatically copying appropriate message types to another log or to using appropriate utilities or audit tools to review and resolve files.