Za provedbu mjera upravljanja kibernetičkim sigurnosnim rizicima sukladno ovom Zakonu odgovorni su članovi upravljačkih tijela ključnih i važnih subjekata odnosno čelnici tijela državne uprave, drugih državnih tijela i izvršna tijela jedinica lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave (u daljnjem tekstu: osobe odgovorne za upravljanje mjerama).
Osobe odgovorne za upravljanje mjerama dužne su odobravati mjere upravljanja kibernetičkim sigurnosnim rizicima koje će subjekt primjenjivati radi usklađivanja s obvezama utvrđenim ovim Zakonom i provedbenim propisom o zahtjevima kibernetičke sigurnosti te kontrolirati njihovu provedbu.
The organization has an information security policy developed and approved by top management. The policy shall include at least the following:
In addition, the task owner shall ensure that:
Organization's top management sets security objectives. Security objectives meet the following requirements:
In connection with the documentation of security objectives, the necessary top-level improvements and tasks, needed resources, responsible persons, due dates and methods for evaluating the results in order to achieve the objectives are also defined.
The organization's top management must demonstrate a commitment to cyber security work and the management system. Management commits to:
Top management also decides the scope of the information security management system and records the decision in the description of the system. This means, for example, whether some parts of the organisation's activities or information are excluded from the scope of the management system, or whether it applies to all information / activities of the organization.
Top management shall review the organization's information security management system at planned intervals to ensure that it remains appropriate, relevant and effective.
The management review shall address and comment on at least the following:
Documented information on the execution and results of reviews must be maintained.
The organization shall determine which issues related to the information security management system need to be communicated on a regular basis. The plan must include the answers, e.g. to the following points:
Task owner will take care of the implementation of the plan and regular evaluation of its effectiveness.
The organization has clearly defined a budget dedicated to the maintenance and development of digital security. The budget is sufficient to achieve the goals set for digital security.
When budgeting for digital security, three key areas must be considered in particular - personnel costs, technology solutions and operational costs.