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Tietoturvasuunnitelma (THL 3/2024)
3: Vastuut tietoturvan sekä asiakastietojen asianmukaisen käsittelyn varmistamisessa

Requirement description

Omavalvonnan kohteen tulee varmistaa, että tietoturvasuunnitelma toteutuu kaikissa sen palveluyksiköissä ja muiden sen lukuun palveluiden tuottamiseen tai toteuttamiseen osallistuvien tahojen toiminnassa.

Kaikkien sosiaalihuollon asiakastietojen ja potilastietojen käsittelyn osapuolien vastuut tulee olla selkeästi määritelty. Osa kuvatuista tai vaadituista asioista voi olla jonkun muun kuin omavalvonnan kohteen itsensä vastuulla erilaisten järjestelyjen (esimerkiksi palveluhankinta, yhtymä, sovellusvuokraus) kautta.

Jos tietoturvasuunnitelmaan kuuluvia vastuita on jonkun muun kuin omavalvonnan kohteen itsensä vastuulla, vastuut on määriteltävä osapuolten välisissä toimeksianto- tai muissa sopimuksissa. Selkeät tietoturvan ja asiakastietojen käsittelyn vastuut tulee ulottaa koskemaan myös alihankkijoita ja muita mahdollisia sopimuskumppaneita. Sopimuksista tulee myös ilmetä, mihin toimiin osapuolet ryhtyvät, jos tietoturvassa ilmenee puutteita, ongelmia tai toteutuneita riskejä.

Palvelunantajalla on oltava sopimus muiden sen asiakas- tai potilastietojärjestelmiä käyttävien palvelunantajien ja mahdollisten ulkopuolisten ammatinharjoittajien keskinäisten vastuiden osalta asiakastietojen käsittelystä ja tietoturvallisuuden varmistamisesta.

Tietoturvallisuuden omavalvonnan kohde vastaa tietoturvasuunnitelmasta myös tilanteissa, joissa se hankkii käyttöympäristön tai tietotekniikkapalveluita esimerkiksi ostopalveluina muilta palveluiden antajilta tai tietojärjestelmäpalvelujen tuottajilta.

Keskinäisillä sopimuksilla ei kuitenkaan voida määritellä tai sopia vastuista asiakastietolaissa määritellystä poikkeavasti.

Tietoturvasuunnitelman varsinaisen sisällön tai siinä viitatuissa dokumenteissa esitetyn sisällön pohjalta on tarvittaessa pystyttävä todentamaan omavalvontaan liittyvät asiat: Tietoturvasuunnitelma on laadittu, se sisältää suunnitelmalta edellytettävät asiat tämän määräyksen mukaisesti, miten suunnitelmaa säännöllisesti päivitetään ja miten sen toteutumista seurataan. Palvelunantajan on pystyttävä osoittamaan tietoturvasuunnitelman olemassaolo, asianmukaisuus ja toteuttaminen esimerkiksi valvontaviranomaisille myös niissä tilanteissa, joissa palvelunantaja ei itse tuota palveluita. Myös tällöin on kuvattava ja pystyttävä tarvittaessa todentamaan, kenen vastuulle asian kuvaaminen tai toteuttaminen kuuluu ja miten on varmistuttu siitä, että asia on kuvattu tai toteutettu vaaditulla tavalla.

How to fill the requirement

Tietoturvasuunnitelma (THL 3/2024)

3: Vastuut tietoturvan sekä asiakastietojen asianmukaisen käsittelyn varmistamisessa

Task name
Other requirements
Creation and maintenance of the information security plan report
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Risk management and leadership
Cyber security management

Examples of other requirements this task affects

3: Vastuut tietoturvan sekä asiakastietojen asianmukaisen käsittelyn varmistamisessa
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Creation and maintenance of the information security plan report
1. Task description

Organisaation on luotava ja ylläpidettävä tietoturvasuunnitelmaa.

Asiakastietolain 27 §:n mukaisesti palvelunantajan on laadittava tietoturvaan ja tietosuojaan sekä tietojärjestelmien käyttöön liittyvä tietoturvasuunnitelma.

Tämän määräyksen(MÄÄRÄYS 3/2024) mukaista tietoturvasuunnitelmaa ei tule sisällyttää tai yhdistää julkaistaviin tai julkisesti saatavilla oleviin omavalvontasuunnitelmiin. Tietoturvasuunnitelmaa ja siinä viitattuja liitedokumentteja tulee käsitellä ja säilyttää ottaen huomioon tarvittava suojaaminen sivullisilta ja tarvittaessa niihin tulee merkitä salassa pidettävä -tieto

ISMS description and maintenance
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Risk management and leadership
Cyber security management

Examples of other requirements this task affects

5.1.1: Policies for information security
ISO27 Full
PR.AT-5: Physical and cybersecurity personnel
HAL-02: Tehtävät ja vastuut
HAL-07: Seuranta ja valvonta
HAL-09: Dokumentointi
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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ISMS description and maintenance
1. Task description

The organization must operate, maintain, and continuously develop a security management system.

The boundaries and scope, contents, role, cumulative implementation information and other necessary descriptive information related to the management system must be clearly documented.

Documentation of partner contract status
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Partner management
Agreements and monitoring

Examples of other requirements this task affects

28. Data processor
15.1.3: Information and communication technology supply chain
ISO27 Full
A.7.2.6: Contracts with PII processors
ISO 27701
HAL-16.1: Hankintojen turvallisuus - sopimukset
TSU-04: Henkilötietojen käsittelijä
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Documentation of partner contract status
1. Task description

A supplier agreement will be drawn up with all partners directly or indirectly involved in the processing of data. The aim is to ensure that there is no misunderstanding between the organization and the supplier of parties' obligations regarding to complying with security requirements.

The organization shall include in the supplier agreement, as appropriate:

  • the data used by the supplier (and possible data classification) and staff receiving access to data
  • rules on the acceptable use of data
  • confidentiality requirements for data processing staff
  • parties responsibilities in meeting regulatory requirements
  • parties' concrete responsibilities in relation to data security (e.g. access control, monitoring)
  • reporting and correcting incidents
  • requirements for the use of subcontractors
  • allowing auditing supplier processes and controls related to the contract (and committing to correcting non-conformities)
  • a commitment to return or destroy data at the end of the contract
  • the supplier's responsibility to comply with organization's security guidelines
Data processing partner listing and owner assignment
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Partner management
Agreements and monitoring

Examples of other requirements this task affects

26. Joint controllers
28. Data processor
44. General principle for transfers
8.1.1: Inventory of assets
ISO27 Full
13.2.2: Agreements on information transfer
ISO27 Full
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Data processing partner listing and owner assignment
1. Task description

The organization must maintain a list of partners who have access to confidential information. System vendors and processors of personal data are listed separately from other stakeholders because they play an active role in the processing of data.

Defining and documenting security objectives
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Risk management and leadership
Cyber security management

Examples of other requirements this task affects

5.1.1: Policies for information security
ISO27 Full
ID.BE-3: Organizational mission, objectives, and activities
ID.GV-1: Cybersecurity policy
HAL-01: Periaatteet
5.1: Leadership and commitment
ISO27k1 Full
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Defining and documenting security objectives
1. Task description

Organization's top management sets security objectives. Security objectives meet the following requirements:

  • they shall take into account applicable data security and data protection requirements and the results of risk assessment and treatment
  • they are clearly communicated to key security and data protection personnel, staff and other relevant stakeholders
  • they are updated as necessary (e.g. when the risk landscape changes or periodically when the objectives are met)
  • they are documented and (if possible) measurable

In connection with the documentation of security objectives, the necessary top-level improvements and tasks, needed resources, responsible persons, due dates and methods for evaluating the results in order to achieve the objectives are also defined.

Defining security roles and responsibilities
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Risk management and leadership
Cyber security management

Examples of other requirements this task affects

24. Responsibility of the controller
6.1.1: Information security roles and responsibilities
ISO27 Full
T02: Turvallisuustyön tehtävien ja vastuiden määrittäminen
ID.AM-6: Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities
ID.GV-2: Cybersecurity role coordination
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Defining security roles and responsibilities
1. Task description

Top management must ensure clear responsibilities / authority on at least the following themes:

  • who is primarily responsible for ensuring that the information security management system complies with the information security requirements
  • who act as ISMS theme owners responsible for the main themes of the information security management system
  • who has the responsibility and authority to report to top management on the performance of the information security management system
  • who is authorized to carry out internal audits

The ISMS theme owners are presented on the desktop of the management system and in the Information security policy report.

In addition, top management shall ensure that all roles relevant to information security, as well as related responsibilities and authorities, are defined and communicated. It is also important to recognize the roles and responsibilities of external partners and providers.

Regular internal monitoring of the implementation of the information security management system
Fully done
Mostly done
Partly done
Not done
Risk management and leadership
Risk management

Examples of other requirements this task affects

18.2.2: Compliance with security policies and standards
ISO27 Full
5.36: Compliance with policies, rules and standards for information security
ISO27k1 Full
4.4: Information security management system
ISO27k1 Full
12: Digiturvan tilan seuraaminen
Sec overview
20.2: Top management monitoring for training
See all related requirements and other information from tasks own page.
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Regular internal monitoring of the implementation of the information security management system
1. Task description

The ISMS should monitor the implementation of the tasks and guidelines recorded therein.

The task owner should regularly review the implementation status of the ISMS as a whole.

Tasks included in the policy

Task name
Other requirements
No items found.

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1.1 (MIL2): Manage IT and OT Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.1 (MIL3): Manage IT and OT Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.1.1: Availability of information security policies
1.1.1: Identify the organisation’s strategy and priorities
1.1.2: Identify the organisation’s structures and processes for security management
1.1.3: Identify the organisation’s processes for ICT risk management
1.1.4: Identify the organisation’s tolerances for ICT risk
1.1.5: Identify the organisation’s deliverables, information systems and supporting ICT functions
1.1.6: Identify information processing and data flow
1.2 (MIL2): Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.2 (MIL3): Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.2.1: Establish a process to identify devices and software in use at the organisation
1.2.1: Scope of Information Security management
1.2.2: Establish organisational guidelines for approved devices and software
1.2.2: Information Security Responsibilities
1.2.3: Identify devices in use at the organisation
1.2.3: Information Security requirements in projects
1.2.4: Definition of responsibilities with service providers
1.2.4: Identify the software in use at the organisation
1.2: Manage Information Asset Inventory
C2M2: MIL1
1.3 (MIL2): Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.3 (MIL3): Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.3.1: Identification of information assets
1.3.1: Identify the users of the information systems
1.3.2: Classification of information assets
1.3.2: Identify and define the different user categories
1.3.3: Identify roles and responsibilities linked especially to ICT security
1.3.3: Use of approved external IT services
1.3.4: Use of approved software
1.3: Manage IT and OT Asset Configuration
C2M2: MIL1
1.4 (MIL2): Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.4 (MIL3): Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.4.1: Management of Information Security Risks
1.4: Manage Changes to IT and OT Assets
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL1): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL2): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5 (MIL3): Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.5.1: Assessment of policies and requirements
1.5.2: External review of ISMS
1.5: Management Activities for the ASSET domain
C2M2: MIL1
1.6.1: Reporting of security events
1.6.2: Management of reported events
1.6.3: Crisis preparedness
10 §: Johdon vastuu
10. Processing of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences
10.1 (MIL2): Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.1 (MIL3): Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.1.1: Policy on the use of cryptographic controls
ISO27 Full
10.1.2: Key management
ISO27 Full
10.1.2: Key management
ISO 27017
10.1: Continuous improvement
ISO27k1 Full
10.1: Cryptographic controls
ISO27 Full
10.1: Cryptographic controls
ISO 27017
10.1: Establish Cybersecurity Program Strategy
C2M2: MIL1
10.2 (MIL2): Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2 (MIL3): Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2: Establish and Maintain Cybersecurity Program
C2M2: MIL1
10.2: Non-conformity and corrective action
ISO27k1 Full
10.3 (MIL1): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3 (MIL2): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3 (MIL3): Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10.3: Management Activities for the PROGRAM domain
C2M2: MIL1
10: Cryptography
ISO27 Full
10: Cryptography
ISO 27017
10: Cybersecurity Program Management (PROGRAM)
C2M2: MIL1
10: Prosessi väärinkäytöksiin reagoimiseksi
Sec overview
11 §: Poikkeamailmoitukset viranomaiselle
11. Processing which does not require identification
11.1.1: Physical security perimeter
ISO27 Full
11.1.2: Physical entry controls
ISO27 Full
11.1.3: Securing offices, rooms and facilities
ISO27 Full
11.1.4: Protecting against external and environmental threats
ISO27 Full
11.1.5: Working in secure areas
ISO27 Full
11.1.6: Delivery and loading areas
ISO27 Full
11.1: Secure areas
ISO27 Full
11.2.1: Equipment siting and protection
ISO27 Full
11.2.2: Supporting utilities
ISO27 Full
11.2.3: Cabling security
ISO27 Full
11.2.4: Equipment maintenance
ISO27 Full
11.2.5: Removal of assets
ISO27 Full
11.2.6: Security of equipment and assets off-premises
ISO27 Full
11.2.7: Secure disposal or re-use of equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2.7: Secure disposal or re-use of equipment
ISO 27017
11.2.8: Unattended user equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2.9: Clear desk and clear screen policy
ISO27 Full
11.2: Equipment
ISO27 Full
11.2: Equipment
ISO 27017
11: Digiturvan mittarien määrittäminen
Sec overview
11: Physical and environmental security
ISO27 Full
11: Physical and environmental security
ISO 27017
12 §: Luotettavuutta edellyttävien tehtävien tunnistaminen ja luotettavuudesta varmistuminen
12 §: Poikkeamaa koskeva väliraportti
12. Transparent information, communication and modalities for the exercise of the rights of the data subject
12.1.1: Documented operating procedures
ISO27 Full
12.1.2: Change management
ISO27 Full
12.1.3: Capacity management
ISO27 Full
12.1.4: Separation of development, testing and operational environments
ISO27 Full
12.1: Operational procedures and responsibilities
ISO27 Full
12.2.1: Controls against malware
ISO27 Full
12.2: Protection from malware
ISO27 Full