Managing Teams apps as an admin

As the administrator of your Microsoft Teams environment, there are many ways you can control how other users can take advantage of the applications found in the Teams app store.

As the administrator of your Microsoft Teams environment, there are many ways you can control how other users can take advantage of the applications found in the Teams app store.

This article lists the highlights. The admin center always works is in English.

General Teams apps settings

As an administrator, you can find the "Manage apps" page in the Teams admin Center (at, where you can see and manage all the Teams apps available for your organization.

Here you can configure general settings for how you want employees to be able to take advantage of third-party apps published in the app store under "Org-wide app settings."

Allow third-party apps

If set to "Off", users in your Teams environment will not be able to install any third-party applications.

Allow any new third-party apps published to the store by default

If this option is set to "On", installation is possible and permissions can be specified with so called "app permission policies".

If this option is set to "Off", installing applications is disabled by default, but you can specify the available applications separately from the app list.

Allow / deny individual applications as an admin

By using the listing on the "Manage apps" page, the account admin can set the general option Allow / Deny for a specific application, which overrides the selections of general app permission policies.

Click on the name to see more information about the app.

Explanations for app details available in the Microsoft help >>

App permission policies

As an admin, you can use "app permission policies" to control more precisely what applications are available to your organization in the Teams environment. You can define a policy that allows or blocks applications in a specific category. The applications are divided into three categories:

  • Apps published by Microsoft (and official partners)
  • Apps developed by your organization itself
  • Third-party apps (all other publishers)

After blocking an application, employees of this policy will not be able to install the application from the Teams app store.

You can either use the default organization-wide policy (which by default affects all employees) or define new ones that you limit to a specific group of employees.

Automatic installation of applications for users

As an administrator, you can use "app setup policies" to control more precisely which apps are automatically installed for employees in your organization.

Installed apps

In this section you select the Teams applications to be installed by default for employees who apply this policy.

Pinned apps

The icons for these applications appear in this order in the left sidebar of Teams. A certain number of applications can be displayed, the rest appear behind the menu button.

You can either use the default organization-wide policy (which by default affects all employees) or define new policies that you restrict to the employees you designate.

By creating a new "app setup policy" and naming the appropriate users, you can, for example, automatically distribute Cyberday to the desired set of employees.

We are happy to help via chat or if you want support for application management or distribution.


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