Information from Cyberday can be exported as smart reports, printable PDF-reports and excel files.
Export using reports
You can create different kind of reports. You can e.g. use existing report templates, security statement reports or create report choosing manually from list of items. After you have created the chosen report from template in Cyberday, you can export it as PDF file.
Report templates: With report templates from Cyberday library, you can create finalized report immediately.
Security statement reports: Create a summary of chosen tasks for internal or external communication. You can gather any task content easily to these reports.
Item report: These summarize wanted documentation items to a single report efficiently. In the creating process, you can choose if you want to create smart or printable pdf format.
Framework assessment: Pick a framework and estimate your current compliance level quickly through a readiness assessment
List report: Choose a list of items and create a report

Export documentation lists
Documentation tables can be exported as smart report, printable PDF-report or excel file. You can also choose, what theme is exported to excel file.
In documentation, visible data is exported. When you change view, you can choose what is included and visible on the excel. If you want to get most out of documentation excel, you can choose "All fields", this way you can incorporate all documentation of the theme in one file.

Full data export
Mostly everything can be exported through reports and documentations. However, if your organisation needs a full data export, this will be done by contacting the Cyberday team. You can request full data export by contacting our team via or the chat box in the right lower corner.