Trust center

This article tells what is trust center and how it works in Cyberday

Trust center in Cyberday is place to share collections of reports. You can choose how to share reports, restricted or with full access. Before accessing restricted report, you need to ask for permission. Permission requests will go primarily to the report owner, and secondarily to the selected main contact.

Trust center can be shared, or embedded to your organisation's website. Anyone can access the trust center with a link. When access is restricted, a user needs to request permission before seeing the full reports.

Reports needs to be created and published before they're visible in Trust center.

Trust center follows the Reporting-page's language selection.

Restricted access can be used by two different ways;

  1. Accessing trust center can be restricted. After accepted permission, all reports can be seen.
  2. Invidual reports can be restricted. Restricted reports can be seen after accepted permission, there can also be repots without restriction.

Creating reports to Trust center

  1. Navigate from the Organization's dashboard to the Reporting-page
  2. Behind three dots select "Trust center"
  3. Enable Trust center
  4. Select which kind of reports you want to share
  5. Choose the wanted reports

Note! The reports needs to be created and published before they can be chosen

Trust center settings can be found behind three dots in Reporting page
Choose main settings for trust center

If you're choosing restricted trust center, you need to choose main contact as well. The permission requests will go to that user's email, if report owner is not set.

Choose reports to be displayed in the trust center, and will the access be restricted

Now reports can be seen in the Trust center

After enabling the trust center, you can visit the trust center behind the tree dots
Shared reports can be seen in trust center
You can choose a restricted access. Access need to be requested before accessing it

When publishing a new version of the report, the new version is updated to the Trust center as well.

Anyone with a link can enter the trust center. Restricted reports can be seen only after when permission request is accepted.

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