Multilingual work in Cyberday

Learn more about the available languages and how to use and benefit from the different languages in Cyberday.

Cyber security can be a complex topic and it may be even harder to follow, when it is handled in a foreign language. To support our customers in the best way possible, we have added different language options for Cyberday and we will continue to do so in the future as well. Currently we have the following languages available:

  • 🇫🇮 Finnish
  • 🇸🇪 Swedish
  • 🇩🇪 German
  • 🇩🇰 Danish
  • 🇫🇷 French
  • 🇬🇧 English

When working with any other language than English or Finnish, please keep in mind that there may be human translation errors in our system. We are happy for any support and cooperation in oder to find and fix all of the potential bugs in our translations, in order to make the work in Cyberday as clear and easy as possible for you.

Language settings

Where to find this view: Dashboard -> Organization name drop down -> user language and settings

In Cyberday, we have different language setting options, so you can make working in an international organization even more efficient. An employee may set the language by him or herself in the own Cyberday account to see all of the in the language available content with the language of their choice. Keep in mind, not all of the content is always available in all of the languages. Some frameworks for example that are only used locally may be available only in the local language(s).

Setting a language for all users

The language you set as the default language (in the Settings from the menu on the left in your Organization Dashboard), is the language, which will be shown to all of the employees when they are entering their Cyberday account for the first time. Also features such as the reporting will be handled in the by you set default language. You can allow/activate additional languages for your employees Guidebook as well (see paragraphs below).

Setting a language for the own account only

Your employees can select the language they would like to use Cyberday in by themselves in the drop-down box in the lower left side of the menu. Please note, that not all of the content is always available in all of the languages. Features such as i.e. reporting will still be handled in the by your admin chosen default language. Also the guidelines in your Guidebook are only available in the languages, your admin has chosen for your organiation. However, the menu, the dashboard and so on, are in the language you have chosen.

Using reporting in many languages

Your reporting language is the same as the default account language. If you need a specific report i.e. as a PDF in another language, you can change the reporting language (which will automatically change the default language as well), create and save the report as PDF and change the default language back to the desired one for your organization's Cyberday account.

Using guidelines in multiple languages

Where to find this view: Dashboard -> Organization name drop down -> Guidebook settings

Unlike the reporting language, the guidelines can be made available in multiple languages at the same time. Your default language is automatically made available for your Guidebook as well. You can add more languages from the Settings tab in your Organization Dashboard. Scroll to the "Guidebook settings" and add all of the available languages for your Guidebook in the box under "Allowed employee languages".

Questions and feedback

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