Tips for processing automatically deactivated users

When using Teams app setup policies to distribute Cyberday, we automatically de-activates the related users when they're removed from your Microsoft tenant. This article instructs on processing automatically de-activated users.
This article is relevant, if you're automatically installing Cyberday for users via a Teams app setup policy.

When people leave your company and you remove them from your Microsoft tenant, we're also following this on Cyberday. The app automatically de-activates the related users, so they can no longer access your ISMS, but you can process them correctly according to their ISMS role and ownerships.

This article explains the process and gives tips for admins.

Notification of automatically de-activated users

When you access your Cyberday account, you'll see a yellow "warning" number on the left menu, when there are automatically de-activated users to process.

Click Settings from left menu and navigate to User management -section to see the details.

Viewing the list of automatically de-activated users

You can filter down the list of users to just the automatically deactivated ones by using the Status-column.

Filtering by status sure works for other use cases too.

Processing automatically deactivated users

Now you can take the proper actions for each auto-deactivated user.

Select the proper actions next for each user:

  • Delete the membership, if everything looks correct and you know how to reassign their ISMS content
  • Keep the member auto-deactivated, if you're not sure
  • Reactivate the member if the user still should have access to your ISMS

Re-assigning content when removing a user

If the user that gets deleted has any ownerships on your ISMS (e.g. task or documentation item ownerships), you need to make the choices of how to re-assign their content when deleting them. This is to ensure, you don't end up with many unassigned items that are later harder to process.

Related help article: Inviting and managing other users

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