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Divide task implementation to multiple units / sites

In Cyberday, there is multiple ways to gather assurance for the task. Some assurance methods are standard, and automatically chosen to match the nature of the task. These can be e.g. linked documentation, security systems, guidelines or reports.

You can also always add additional assurance methods to task, one of the methods being Divide implementation to units/sites. You can divide the implementation, if for example different sites or units are participating in the task implementation in different ways.

How to divide task implementation to multiple units / sites

On each of the task card, the implementation-tab has a part additional assurance information. By clicking it, you can see all possible ways to add additional assurance for the task.

  1. Click "Additional assurance information"
  2. Select "Divide implementation to units / sites"

Next up, you will need to pick relevant units or sites who need to write their own description for the task. Unit / task owner will be responsible for creating the requested description.

How unit / site owned need to fill the description

The description request will be visible up on unit/site owner's Taskbook. Targeted description is filled and edited from taskbook.

Task owner will see progress of the description request on the task card. Review cycle for the descriptions will match automatically with the task's review cycle.

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